Now that Rt2000 is on reachable price, I am
considering to buy for "what the heck" as new toy.
My question is can I mix with BroadwayPro
Mpeg1 encoder card? I hate losing my most reliable card (good output quality). The RT2000 so far doesn't support MPEG1 realtime
encoding (how's the quality of SOft encoded file by the way??) just soft encoder.
So far Mpeg1 is the most used format...
Any idea guys???
considering to buy for "what the heck" as new toy.
My question is can I mix with BroadwayPro
Mpeg1 encoder card? I hate losing my most reliable card (good output quality). The RT2000 so far doesn't support MPEG1 realtime
encoding (how's the quality of SOft encoded file by the way??) just soft encoder.
So far Mpeg1 is the most used format...
Any idea guys???