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scsi dvd multi drives ?

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  • scsi dvd multi drives ?


    Are there any manufacturers that make SCSI versions of their DVD recorders (capable of at least DVD-RAM and DVD-RW) ?

    I seem to have a hard time finding them. A search on this forum yielded a thread in which 4 such drives were mentioned, but all of them were with an IDE interface... Or is SCSI dying for this kind of applications ?


    Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)

  • #2
    SCSI is dying for all applications except perhaps "hot swap" servers.

    What's wrong with EIDE these days? Lots of motherboards can support 8 devices and PCI addin cards are cheap and plentiful if what's on the motherboard isn't enough.

    I for one won't miss the hassles of SCSI!



    • #3
      Well, there is nothing really "wrong" with IDE, but as almost all my other devices are SCSI (I couldn't find a DVD-reader, so that is the only IDE device I have), I figured I might as well see if I could go this route...

      I personally don't feel SCSI has that much hassles, but you do have to pay a bit more attention....

      Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


      • #4
        Plextor will release new SCSI-CD-RWs in the 1Q 2003. But I don´t know whether Plextor will also put a DVD-RW on the market.
        The fact that Plextor will go back to its bases (SCSI)
        let my hope that they will put also DVD-RW on the market! (hope so)

        My System is a ONLY-SCSI-PC! I wish Plextor will realease a DVD-RW, so i can upgrade my SCSI-PC!
        Last edited by Hawk; 17 December 2002, 09:07.


        • #5
          I'm actually a bit amazed that these multidrives don't seem to be available in SCSI... It isn't such a long time ago the only DVD-RAM drives one could find were SCSI-models...
          For a while, I had my eye on Lacie, but the have apparently jumped to firewire and USB2...

          Hawk: Yes, I also found that very good news.

          Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


          • #6

            Wally's remark about SCSI and hassles is contrary to my personal experience.

            SCSI is, in reality, very easy and trouble-free if the installer has a rudimentary understanding of...

            1. how to install a SCSI adapter PCI card
            2. how to install drivers

            It's really that simple.

            I have...

            1. ...SCSI Sony external CD-R/CD-RW drive
            2. ...Seagate 4gb internal SCSI hard drive
            3. ...IBM 6gb internal SCSI hard drive
            4. ...Seagate Barracuda external 36gb SCSI hard drive
            5. ...2nd Seagate Barracuda external 36gb SCSI hard drive

            ...and these are the most trouble-free and easy-to-setup drives I've ever used.

            They're also fast.

            As I've mentioned before, there are multiple hard drive SCSI choices at

            I count seven choices ranging from small to large capacity hard drives.

            The downside of SCSI is the cost.

            As for DVD MULTI SCSI drives...

            ...these are not yet widely available in the U.S. as the DVD MULTI drives have only recently hit the market.

            In Japan, SCSI versions of the DVD MULTI drives are already selling.

            But in the U.S. the ones that are currently available are either...

            1. ...EIDE
            2. ...USB
            3. ...Firewire

            1. Panasonic SW-9571-CYY (internal) $350:

            2. Panasonic SW-9571-CYY (external) $450:

            3. LG GMA-4020B (internal) $329:

            I believe it's only a matter of days before the SCSI versions of these drives become available in the U.S.

            Jerry Jones
            I found a great domain name for sale on Check it out!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Jerrold Jones

              Wally's remark about SCSI and hassles is contrary to my personal experience.

              SCSI is, in reality, very easy and trouble-free if the installer has a rudimentary understanding of...

              1. how to install a SCSI adapter PCI card
              2. how to install drivers

              It's really that simple.
              I have to agree...
              Most people have problems with the termination (highbyte/lowbyte), but it is very straightforward if you know why it needs to happen. I got my first SCSI-system up and running without problems (but I did read a lot beforehand).

              As I've mentioned before, there are multiple hard drive SCSI choices at
              I count seven choices ranging from small to large capacity hard drives.
              The downside of SCSI is the cost.
              Yes, I'll probabely be looking for an additional harddrive as well (next to my Quantum Atlas 10K and IBM Ultrastar 36 LZX).
              Any recommendations for brands (or brands to stay away from) ?
              Another downside might be the noise (but I don't really mind) and heat (but if you have a case with adequate drive cooling, that is no problem).

              As for DVD MULTI SCSI drives...
              ...these are not yet widely available in the U.S. as the DVD MULTI drives have only recently hit the market.

              In Japan, SCSI versions of the DVD MULTI drives are already selling.
              I believe it's only a matter of days before the SCSI versions of these drives become available in the U.S.
              Ok, thanks ! That is great news. (the list of drives I found on the forum, is the list you repeated ) Guess it will be a couple of weeks for them to arrive here in Europe...

              Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


              • #8
                I'm betting your lack of hassles is due to limited experience and dumb luck in buying components.

                I've used SCSI since the days of DOS before windows 3.1 The hassles were worth back then, now the benefits are largely wishful thinking except in a few niches, none of which has much growth.

                Do a google search on ASPI for a smattering of the problems people have using SCSI devices on win9x, W2k, and XP.

                SCSI is dying for good reasons. It'll probably live on forever with its command set as a device control protocol over ATAPI, 1394 etc.

                SCSI support is really very good in W2K and XP, but its too little too late.



                • #9
                  Wally wrote:

                  > experience...

                  So you're an expert in both of the above areas, Wally?


                  Jerry Jones
                  I found a great domain name for sale on Check it out!


                  • #10
                    scsi is a low hassle solution and has always been for the years I used it.

                    But its just so fecking expensive...I no longer have scsi stuff in my system becuse of the relative cost compared to IDE.


                    • #11
                      I'm just curious: why do most threads concerning advice on SCSI-equipment must evolve to a discussion about "It's a hassle" - "no it isn't" - "yes, it is" - "no it isn't, ..." - "yes, well so are you" - "no..., and so is your momma" - "yes, ..." (well, you get the point ).

                      FWIW: My lack of hassles might be due to the fact that I have been choosing equipment based on a number of factors, and that I learned a lot prior to trying stuff. And yes, I have been the ASPI route! I've also mixed wide and narrow devices, so I also know the issues with that.
                      If someone is using SCSI and someone else thinks it is not the best solution, then so be it. I just came here asking about SCSI multi-dvd writers, not to have someone saying how bad SCSI is (in his opinion; if I were to go to ask about the advantages of going SCSI, it would be a different discussion) nor how difficult is might be (?) to configure (that is my choice)...

                      So euhm, back to topic:
                      What makes currently have SCSI drives (in Japan) ?

                      About the harddisks: any makes that are recommended, or any makes/models to stay clear from ?

                      Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                      • #12
                        SCSI hard drives that are good: Seagate

                        (I would avoid IBM these days.)

                        Also, I think I spotted a SCSI DVD Multi writer from Panasonic that is being sold in Japan.

                        You can go to GOOGLE and type 'SCSI' + 'DVD MULTI' and a lot of Japanese links should appear.

                        Jerry Jones
                        I found a great domain name for sale on Check it out!


                        • #13
                          I would most likely be going for some 36 GB, 10K drive (I'm guessing the 15K will be too expensive here, and perhaps overkill for my usage)

                          Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)


                          • #14
                            I didn't mean to mislead, but I just typed SCSI and DVD Multi into Google and the Japanese pages that I thought were about SCSI DVD Multi drives were... it turns out... about DVD Multi USB 2.0 drives.

                            That doesn't necessarily mean SCSI versions aren't going to be introduced, however.

                            So I've sent an inquiry to the DVD Forum to find out if they're aware of any pending SCSI version product releases.

                            I'll let you know if they confirm or not.

                            Jerry Jones
                            I found a great domain name for sale on Check it out!


                            • #15
                              Ok, thank you.
                              (I never seem to find my way in Japanese pages... )

                              Dream as if you'll live forever. Live as if you'll die tomorrow. (James Dean)

