One of the problems with complex proggies, such as are used for video work, is that they load the registry with hundreds of keys. Microsoft RegClean does little to clean up the registry from old or disused keys, that are inevitably left after uninstalling an application. I've used RegCleaner for some time and it helped, but I was always nervous with it as it sometimes seemed rather drastic. More often than not, I manually edited the registry to remove garbage (not recommended for those who don't know how the registry works), but this is very time-consuming. I recently came across a shareware utility that seems to be the best I've come across yet, at this URL. RegVac allows you to clean up the different sections of the registry (any version of Windows) individually and to stash doubtful keys. I've run it on 2 computers for a week or so, now, and it seems to do what is wanted with security. On one occasion, I ran it before uninstalling a hefty programme. I then cleaned the registry by hand (over 200 keys) and then ran RegVac. It found another 12 keys, a few of which I'd not deleted as I wasn't too sure, which it deleted. No problem.
One of its beauties is that it backs up everything it deletes into a .reg file. This means that, if something starts to misbehave, you can double-click on the file in Safe Mode and it restores it into the registry (I've never had to do this, though
One of its beauties is that it backs up everything it deletes into a .reg file. This means that, if something starts to misbehave, you can double-click on the file in Safe Mode and it restores it into the registry (I've never had to do this, though