I'm looking for any leads to video capture software that I can setup for unattended capture or at least to capture under control from another program (dde or command line param./.ini files)..
I've hunted for this kind of software, but only have experience with two different ones.. snapstream pvs, from www.snapstream.com and winvcr (mpeg1)..
Both appear to be good programs (altho I do prefer the interface to snapstream), However, after only a few minutes of recording with either one, my computer crashes. This does not happen when I'm using a "normal" video capture program such as windows media tools (whose codec is used by snapstream, it encodes into mpeg4), virtualdub, avi_io, and even wintv's program (which is expected, since I have a wintv card)..
Needless to say, this is very annoying..
I have an athlon 750 proc, so I do have a fast proc (and similar settings work fine in other programs).
Snapstream does have the useful ability to change to any channel before it starts encoding too.. any program I find, I hope has this ability.
Please email me if you like.
But also post, it may help someone else too..
Thank you
I'm looking for any leads to video capture software that I can setup for unattended capture or at least to capture under control from another program (dde or command line param./.ini files)..
I've hunted for this kind of software, but only have experience with two different ones.. snapstream pvs, from www.snapstream.com and winvcr (mpeg1)..
Both appear to be good programs (altho I do prefer the interface to snapstream), However, after only a few minutes of recording with either one, my computer crashes. This does not happen when I'm using a "normal" video capture program such as windows media tools (whose codec is used by snapstream, it encodes into mpeg4), virtualdub, avi_io, and even wintv's program (which is expected, since I have a wintv card)..
Needless to say, this is very annoying..
I have an athlon 750 proc, so I do have a fast proc (and similar settings work fine in other programs).
Snapstream does have the useful ability to change to any channel before it starts encoding too.. any program I find, I hope has this ability.
Please email me if you like.
But also post, it may help someone else too..
Thank you