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Capture from analog camcorder

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  • Capture from analog camcorder


    once again im trying to get into video editing on the pc, and im starting with capturing videos from an analog camcorder

    i tried with virtual dub using both huffyuv and divx codec, but the quality was not good enough or there were too many dropped frames.

    files recorded with the matrox vcr software didnt have dropped frames, but the playback is always jerky.

    so, can you give me any suggestions which (freeware) software i should use, and what settings?

    i know you dont like soundblaster or via chipsets, but i have both didnt have any major problems so far with them

    win 2k sp3
    atholn xp1800+
    via kt266a
    20gig ibm
    80gig seagate
    matrox g450eTV


    i tried the MSP 6.5 trial version, and found one problem: all the presets are 720 x 576, whereas my card only seems to support 704 x 576. is that true?
    Last edited by Topha; 5 January 2003, 06:06.

  • #2
    Ha, the jerky playback seems to have been the fault of Windows Media Player (should have guessed), so that problem is solved.

    What is still bugging me is the 704 resolution, are there any fixes know for that?


    • #3
      Don't understand your last question: MSP 6.5 supports every conceivable frame size and then some from 40 x 30 to 800 x 600. Go into Project Settings|Edit|Compression and choose the codec you're using, then go to the General tab and you'll find all the usual supported frame sizes for that codec in the Standard list. If not, you should be able to define it yourself.

      I suspect you may have the wrong codec selected, and this means that you could have problems (such as those you describe if this happens when displaying).
      Brian (the devil incarnate)


      • #4
        The matrox videocapture drivers only support 704 x 576

        all my menues are in german so im not quite sure, but when i use the ulead video capture program and choose, for example, Mpeg2 DVD PAL quality, the program tells me to change my video format to 720x576, which i can not do, neiter under yuv2 nor under any of the rgb settings.

        i read about this somewhere else a few months back, and they said it is a hardware restriction with the g450eTV.


        • #5
          You shouldn't choose mpeg-2 for normal capturing. Choose the same codec as you would for a quality capture, such as MJPEG if you use PicVideo. You should convert to MPEG-2, if you want to make a DVD, only after all the editing, titling, etc. is finished, keeping everything in the same AVI format/resolution as your capture until then.

          Give or take an ounce or two, an MPEG-2 DVD PAL file is compressed 5 times more than a DV file, 10 times more than a good quality MJPEG one and 20 times more than an uncompressed RGB one. Quality is not necessarily proportional to the degree of compression as different algorithms are used with the different types.

          Also make sure that you use Field base B with your Marvel if your output is for a TV set or Frame base if you view only on a 'puter screen.
          Brian (the devil incarnate)


          • #6
            okay, again:

            my problem is, that i cannot capture at a resolution of 720x576.

            with virtual dub i can set it under custom format, but the file only shows green, no matter what compression method i use, even if i use no compression at all.

            when i turn the resolution back to 704x576, it works.

            with the msp 6.5, i did not figure out how to set a custom format, but i dont think it would work anyway...


            • #7
              This thread topic has a habit of popping up about evey two weeks, doesn't it?

              Both 704 and 720 are legal resolutions and can be used on DVD's. Edit in whatever your card can capture by creating a custom profile in MSPro 6.5.

              You do this by opening the project settings and defining the frame size (704x576), field order (field B for Matrox cards), frame rate (25fps for PAL/SECAM), codec (Matrox MJPeg) and audio sampling rate (16 bit/41 khz) then saving it out as a custom profile with its own name. Most capture cards have their own set of "legal" settings, which should be listed in the manual.

              Most of the excess width over 680 is called "overscan" and is for the benefit of out of adjustment TV's. As such this excess isn't isn't displayed on normal TV's, but will be visible on your computer screen.

              This doesn't mean you should cut if off, you shouldn't, but don't expect to see something placed in one of the corners to show on a TV. This is called "keeping something in the action or title safe region".

              Dr. Mordrid
              Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 5 January 2003, 10:51.
              Dr. Mordrid
              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


              • #8
                okay, thanks

                i guess that means the g450etv cant capture at 720, but if its not a problem, i guess its okay

