I paid Eu 76,- for the 600-model ("Händlerpreis" - our company is bassed in Hannover). Getting the -400 model would have taken a week longer and I was impatient... So far I'm very happy with it.
Unfortunately the Cinergy WDM capture drivers don't work with AVI_IO 3.19 under Windows 2000 (It shows up as WDM capture device but doesn't actually capture) so it's going to be rather important that CinergyTV keeps lip-synchronicity. I haven't thoroughly tested CTV yet but so far it makes a good impression. Still I'll write to Markus Zingg just to ask if there's an update of Avi_io - it doesn't hurt to have two working options.
Unfortunately the Cinergy WDM capture drivers don't work with AVI_IO 3.19 under Windows 2000 (It shows up as WDM capture device but doesn't actually capture) so it's going to be rather important that CinergyTV keeps lip-synchronicity. I haven't thoroughly tested CTV yet but so far it makes a good impression. Still I'll write to Markus Zingg just to ask if there's an update of Avi_io - it doesn't hurt to have two working options.