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DMR-E20 Stand Alone DVD Recorder & DVD-RAM Video Editing

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  • DMR-E20 Stand Alone DVD Recorder & DVD-RAM Video Editing

    Just did some quick testing.

    I used a Panasonic DMR-E20 stand alone DVD recorder to record to a DVD-RAM disc using DVD-VR.

    This produces a DVD-RAM video disc that can then be inserted into my Panasonic SW-9571 'DVD Multi' drive.

    I copied the .VRO file from the DVD-RAM disc to my hard drive and changed the extension to .MPG.

    Then I inserted this .MPG into MediaStudio Pro 6.5 (which I'm still using at work).

    MediaStudio Pro 6.5's PROPERTIES reveal the .MPG file is 704 x 480, 29.97 frames/second, VBR@9554kbps, AC3 audio, 256kbps bitrate.

    It can be edited in the MediaStudio Pro timeline.

    Jerry Jones

  • #2

    But when you output the edited file back to mpeg for authoring with DVD Workshop or whatever is the whole thing re-rendered?



    • #3
      When I observe SMART CHECK & CONVERT's commentary, I see the following mis-matched property:

      AC-3 Audio 48.000 kHz, 16 Bits, Stereo

      Of course, MediaStudio Pro 6.5 doesn't support AC-3 Audio encoding.

      That seems to be the only snag that forces the re-render with this particular Panasonic recording.

      Otherwise, I believe ULEAD Smart Render would work.

      Jerry Jones


      • #4

        ...Ulead's newly announced version of DVD WORKSHOP *includes* AC-3 audio support:

        Turn your life’s best moments into stunning movies with Corel VideoStudio! Get creative with drag-and-drop stylish templates, artistic filters, titles, transitions, and the whole palette of advanced editing tools. Get your FREE trial.

        Jerry Jones


        • #5
          DMR-E20 and new version of DVD workshop and a DVD-multi drive is a bit much $$$ for my needs, I'll stick with capturing and editing as DV with my ADVC-100 and software encoding to mpeg for DVD burning for the time being.

          The gap between "should" and "does" is too large for me to buy anything on "should" these days.

          Keep us informed when you get the new DVD Workshop.



          • #6
            PRICE DROP:

            $235 IS THE CURRENT PRICE FOR SW-9571...

            ...the OEM version of the Panasonic LF-D521 retail drive!

            Jerry Jones


            • #7
              As far as AC3 encoding goes MSPro7 has it built in, both in the standard MPEG encoding menu and the "Advanced" one with even more modes supported. See my new post on this which should be up in a few minutes.

              Dr. Mordrid
              Dr. Mordrid
              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps

