While editing a video just now and struggling to line up two audio tracks I remembered trick I used to use for syncing samples with actual sounds.
Put the pan audio filter on one track and pan it hard left for the duration.
Put the pan audio filter on the other track and pan it hard right for the duration.
Put your head between the speakers and see which way the sound seems to be moving when you hear the front edge of a sound. If it's going right to left then the right track is ahead a bit.
It's pretty easy to get tracks spot on this way once you get good at it.
I'm actually still editing my wedding and I'm putting the actual entrance song behind the one through the PA on the tape, I can still hear the announcer but now the background track it nice and close, also, I can duck the track when I want to hear the announcements.
Put the pan audio filter on one track and pan it hard left for the duration.
Put the pan audio filter on the other track and pan it hard right for the duration.
Put your head between the speakers and see which way the sound seems to be moving when you hear the front edge of a sound. If it's going right to left then the right track is ahead a bit.
It's pretty easy to get tracks spot on this way once you get good at it.
I'm actually still editing my wedding and I'm putting the actual entrance song behind the one through the PA on the tape, I can still hear the announcer but now the background track it nice and close, also, I can duck the track when I want to hear the announcements.