After many days of research throughout the year, I decided my next computer would be Marvel G400-based. When I buy it next month. I want to make absolutely sure there will be no dropped frames. I have several dealers willing to test the assembled system, tweaking it until a 30-minute hi-res, hi-quality capture shows _zero_ dropped frrames.
In another thread dealing with massive frame drops, the user wrote "The Matrox PC/VCR Remote (as always) reports 0 dropped frames." This means I won't be able to use PC/VCR statistics at the store to test whether any frames were dropped. What utility should I use, then? What parameters are available when digitizing (so I know exactly what to have them write on the invoice as acceptance test) And are there any other aspects to dropped frames I should be aware of? Thanks.
In another thread dealing with massive frame drops, the user wrote "The Matrox PC/VCR Remote (as always) reports 0 dropped frames." This means I won't be able to use PC/VCR statistics at the store to test whether any frames were dropped. What utility should I use, then? What parameters are available when digitizing (so I know exactly what to have them write on the invoice as acceptance test) And are there any other aspects to dropped frames I should be aware of? Thanks.