Can you make single-file captures with AVI_IO? I've wanted to try it to see if it works any better on various machines that are having audio sync problems (generally the NT4 machines work perfectly but the 2k machines do an incredibly bad job with the audio), but from the trial version I couldn't find a way to make it do anything except slightly non-standard 4GB files. I really like VirtualDub's OpenDML capturing system; I like having a single 100GB file instead of 50 2GB files. I would simply assume that AVI_IO cannot do this, except that the purpose of the "trial" is to limit the total capture length to 3 files, so it might have some kind of option for it only available in the full version. I don't care to buy a program that I'm not going to use, and I know a lot of you folks here use it exclusively, so I figure you might be able to clue me in. Thanks!
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AVI_IO and filesizes
Actually VirtualDUB doesn't create a single 100g file, it creates a 100g virtual file consisting of several dynamically linked smaller files. They just look like one big file to the program using the fileserver.
AVI_IO, and all other programs working under Win9x and FAT32, are limited to either 2 or 4 gig files. Which depends on if the software under discussion supports OpenDML or not. If it doesn't the limit is 2 gigs. If it does the limit is 4 gigs.
Dr. Mordrid
Actually VirtualDUB doesn't create a single 100g file, it creates a 100g virtual file consisting of several dynamically linked smaller files. They just look like one big file to the program using the fileserver.
With all respect to the Doctor, this isn't true at all; I capture video often, and in the Windows Explorer, I see "capture.avi" which is typically an 80-90 GB file for 3-4 hours worth of video (under NTFS). There is only one file. I don't know what you mean when you say "to the program using the fileserver" ... which fileserver? When I write programs that deal with files, I often use my > 4GB capture files to test the program's handling of those large file sizes (and if I haven't written the program correctly, the >4GB files definitely give it problems, making it likely that they are not individual files "hidden" to me by NTFS).