I created another video file with an embded player using Microsoft Producer. I made the file and it produces an *.asf and an *.asx file. You pout those on a web site and the program generates the cod and files. From your web site it goes to the Microsoft web site and uses the code from there while on line. I made files like this before with no problems. But it seems Miscosoft has imbeded new code into the programming and when somone plays the video file on the web site it now mmakes a op-up come up. The pop-up coming up now is that damned Iwin.com ad come up. This did not happen with video files I made in the past so they must have changed the code lately. Alos, this is imbdeded in some code deeply and is not visible in any way anyplace.
Here is are the flies I made a year ago:
<A HREF="http://members.nbci.com/skialps/homepage1a.html">Personal Information Page</a>
Here are a video and files I made a few days ago:
<A HREF="http://members.nbci.com/skialps/Fun_and_projects.htm">Fun and Projects</a>
That pop-up comes up with the page with the one video with the Embeded player. If I am wrong, someone please let me know. Thanx alot you bungheads at MS, sneaking your code and Embeding it so we cannot remove it. I hope I explained this right.
Steven S. Palmer
(stevenscott.delete@bigfoot.com) http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/4001/
My Photo Website (someday it will be finished): http://members.nbci.com/skialps/
Hub 5-8 Port 10 Base-T(Soho brand)
USB HUB with power Indicator lights
Computer #1
Surfboard SB2100D cable modem
HP OfficeJet Pro 1175Cse 4/1 printer/Scanner/Fax/copier
HP Photo Scanner
Video Camcorder (digital):
Pentium PIII450
Abit BE6 MB
128MB Ram
3Com NIC
WD 30.7 Gig HD
Matrox Marvel G400 Video Card
Mitsumi 4801-TE CD-R
Panasonic 32X CDrom
SBLive Sound Card
Aspect 30/40 Speakers
@Home Cable (currently 1-way)
Boca 56K modem
Saitek X36 USB Combo Flight Controls
Pentium Celeron 300a
Soyo 6BA+IV MB
128MB Ram
Maxtor 13.6 Gig HD
Matrox Mystique G200 Video Card
Shamrock 15" monitor
Toshiba SD-M1402 DVD CDRom
SBLive Sound Card
Aspect 30/40 Speakers
@Home Cable (currently 1-way)
MS Precision Pro Joystick
3Com NIC
Boca 56K modem
[This message has been edited by stevenscott (edited 29 September 2000).]
I created another video file with an embded player using Microsoft Producer. I made the file and it produces an *.asf and an *.asx file. You pout those on a web site and the program generates the cod and files. From your web site it goes to the Microsoft web site and uses the code from there while on line. I made files like this before with no problems. But it seems Miscosoft has imbeded new code into the programming and when somone plays the video file on the web site it now mmakes a op-up come up. The pop-up coming up now is that damned Iwin.com ad come up. This did not happen with video files I made in the past so they must have changed the code lately. Alos, this is imbdeded in some code deeply and is not visible in any way anyplace.
Here is are the flies I made a year ago:
<A HREF="http://members.nbci.com/skialps/homepage1a.html">Personal Information Page</a>
Here are a video and files I made a few days ago:
<A HREF="http://members.nbci.com/skialps/Fun_and_projects.htm">Fun and Projects</a>
That pop-up comes up with the page with the one video with the Embeded player. If I am wrong, someone please let me know. Thanx alot you bungheads at MS, sneaking your code and Embeding it so we cannot remove it. I hope I explained this right.
Steven S. Palmer
(stevenscott.delete@bigfoot.com) http://www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Spa/4001/
My Photo Website (someday it will be finished): http://members.nbci.com/skialps/
Hub 5-8 Port 10 Base-T(Soho brand)
USB HUB with power Indicator lights
Computer #1
Surfboard SB2100D cable modem
HP OfficeJet Pro 1175Cse 4/1 printer/Scanner/Fax/copier
HP Photo Scanner
Video Camcorder (digital):
Pentium PIII450
Abit BE6 MB
128MB Ram
3Com NIC
WD 30.7 Gig HD
Matrox Marvel G400 Video Card
Mitsumi 4801-TE CD-R
Panasonic 32X CDrom
SBLive Sound Card
Aspect 30/40 Speakers
@Home Cable (currently 1-way)
Boca 56K modem
Saitek X36 USB Combo Flight Controls
Pentium Celeron 300a
Soyo 6BA+IV MB
128MB Ram
Maxtor 13.6 Gig HD
Matrox Mystique G200 Video Card
Shamrock 15" monitor
Toshiba SD-M1402 DVD CDRom
SBLive Sound Card
Aspect 30/40 Speakers
@Home Cable (currently 1-way)
MS Precision Pro Joystick
3Com NIC
Boca 56K modem
[This message has been edited by stevenscott (edited 29 September 2000).]