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Dr. Mordrid, or anyone else knowing about Digital Camcorders

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  • #16
    I've never seen a moire on any of my shots. Most digital cam artifacts are due to the exclusive use of JPEG compression in many digital cams.

    With the Olympus 3030 JPEG is an option, but with me it's an unused one. I shoot my images as *.tif's.

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 03 October 2000).]


    • #17

      I either shoot uncompressed tif or least compression jpg, always with no in camera sharpening. I have not seen any moire in any of my shots. It's funny you mention tree bark because last vacation my family was hiking in the redwoods at Big Sur California and I got fabulous results with great detail deep into the shadowy areas of trees. The colors were deep brown & charcoal with no unnatural tinges.

      As for LCD feedback, at least on my camera I get a great feel for the composition of the shot, the overal exposure, the exposure of different elements in the composition and to a large and very usefull degree focus. This feed back frequently leads me to delete and retake shots. The result is I come back with lots of good shots. That is something you usually can't do with traditional film.

      I also own a Nikon Coolscan 35mm scanner. Let me tell you, that baby rocks and I've had a blast with 35mm too. But it's a LOT more work and there is often grain to contend with.

      My $0.02
      • Slot 1 Celeron 400, Asus P2B, 256MB PC-100
      • AGP Marvel-TV 8MB NTSC
      • Turtle Beach Montego PCI sound card
      • C: IBM 10.1, 5400, Primary on 1, System, Swap, Software
      • D: IBM 13.5, 5400, Primary on 2, Dedicated to video
      • E: Memorex 48x CD, Secondary on 1
      • F: Yamaha CD-RW 2x2x8, Secondary on 2
      • Win98, FAT32 on C: & D:
      • MediaStudio Pro 5.2

