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Matrox: Release the damn Win2k VT's

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  • #16
    I can't use Win2K for video capture at all. It drops random bits and pieces out of the audio that it captures, making the resulting files out of sync and useless. Reinstalled NT4; video capture is flawless with the same damn hardware. Still have 2000 on the machine, but I only use it as a curiosity, and when I'm feeling masochistic, trying to fix the video capture problems. If 2000 is supposed to work better than NT4, then why does a fresh install of NT4 work properly, and a fresh install of 2000 cause assloads of problems on the same machine?

    Oh yeah, it plays games. That's exactly what I want to do, play damn games. Bah.


    • #17
      Well, on this end Win98SE has been very stable on all my systems. I hardly ever have a crash that isn't related to a beta driver, and that's only on the beta multiboot partition. The Asus P3B-F's may have something to do with this stability.

      The times I installed Win2K it was all over the map for one reason or another, none of which were related to editing. Poor IRQ mapping, slow DirectX performance (NOT just D3D) and lots of other problems. Not all of this was with a Matrox card either. My sons GeForce went nuts under Win2K, and that was with a bare drive installation and nothing else installed.

      As far as the 2-4g file business goes, for me it's a non issue for two reasons:

      1. With the Marvel AVI_IO lets me capture as long as I want. Assembling them on the timeline is a very minor issue.

      2. In Win98SE the RT-2000 does serial captures like AVI_IO, but it then treats the files as a single entity. This makes their use totally transparent.

      Dr. Mordrid


      • #18
        I switched to W2K for one reason: files greater than the 2-4 GB limit. Which is a real pleasure if you are doing any NLE DV work.
        I am watching the TV and it's worthless.
        If I switch it on it is even worse.


        • #19
          I've read about Marvel G450 eTV at Matrox site. This board will be ready(better,"is ready")for windows 2000. At this point i think Matrox is doing a dirty game, for me drivers are ready, but Matrox first want sell the new board. If it is so,and i think
          this, i agree with "coolfish": "..I'm never going to buy another Matrox card...").
          Asus A7M266-D
          AMD Dual Athlon XP1800+
          DDR PC2100 512(2 x 256) MB
          Ge Force 2 MX400 - 64 MB
          OHCI 1394 controller
          Panasonic NV-DS15 Pal (DV in enabled)
          HD IBM 60 GXP 7200 rpm 60 GB (system)
          HD WD Caviar 7200 rpm 60 GB

          Adobe Premiere 6.01
          Windows XP Pro


          • #20
            Writing a for a pure YUV/YUY2 card is a lot simpler than writing one for a hardware card like the G400. Witness the Hauppage drivers early release.

            One of many problems:

            The only SDK available for the Zoran ZR36060 chipset is for Video for Windows. Microsoft has been moving to Windows Driver Model (WDM) starting with Win98 and continuing through Win98SE, WinME and Win2K.

            To facilitate the transition Microsoft implemented a translation layer between VfW and WDM. This layer works pretty well in Win98SE and ME, but is partially broken in Win2K. Win98Gold wasn't a picnic either.

            Dr. Mordrid

            [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 06 October 2000).]


            • #21
              I for one haven't been using MJPEG captures much anymore. I wouldn't mind not being able to use the hardware-assisted MJPEG in Win2K if everything else worked great. Maybe they could do a video tools set that comes without MJPEG support. Then they could offer a patch or something to allow MJPEG and then just not officially support the patch. I 'd be totally cool with that.

              If the only thing the 98 driver did that Win2K didn't was MJPEG, then bye-bye 98!


