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TV/VHS capture

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  • TV/VHS capture

    Hi Folks,

    Ok - as this is a forum for matrox hardware I do not want to talk about my TVCard , but about a concept I have tried to adjust the captured signal (Aspect Ratio) to match the displayed picture on TV. And maybe you could tell me what could be wrong with that approach - Thanks.

    1st I created a picture with a centered circle and two lines along its x and y axis - I then send that via the G450 TV out to my VHS and captured it (checking if the circle was circular on TV - wich it was) from that with the TV-Card (768x/720x/704x 576) and extracted a frame from each capture to load that back again in my GFX-program.
    There I created another vector circle and placed it over the captured one... with all three captures there was a horizontal resize to 732 needed to have a true circle (one that matches with the vector) again... Then I resized the captured material, send the non resized capture and the resized to my TV and yup, the 732x was what was circular...
    Finally I checked again with some TV Capture that had a circular StationLogo (on TV) and there again it was a resize to 732x that made that circular in the captured material.... f

    Now my question, is this a valid way to calibrate my capture card - or is something fundamentally wrong with this approach?
