Originally posted by Flying dutchman
What's so silly about designing a graphics adapter around third-party chips? Everybody else does it. No need to re-invent the wheel.
What's so silly about designing a graphics adapter around third-party chips? Everybody else does it. No need to re-invent the wheel.
M3D anyone?
I for one really hate it that I can't use a perfectly good piece of capturing hardware anymore because the manufacturer (Matrox) never got his act together to produce working drivers for Windows 2000/XP, the operating systems that (at last!) support large video files. The hardware is perfectly in order.
Companies like Nvidia and ATI make fast and affordable 3-D graphics processors. Philips makes great tuner modules and 9-bit WDM video capturing chips. Matrox has the technology for good TV-out (it seems nobody else has). Design a good board around third-party chips and you're in business.
Video capturing chips have a comparatively long lifecycle because the video standards remain the same, irrespective of the operating system you use, so the chips manufacturers have an interest in developing stable drivers.
Video capturing chips have a comparatively long lifecycle because the video standards remain the same, irrespective of the operating system you use, so the chips manufacturers have an interest in developing stable drivers.
If you had said:
"Why dont matrox make a consumer capture card that has a Philips tuner module and video capturing chip. and a DVD-MAX tv out, that can be used togheter with any Vidcard you want"
Then I wouldent have objected at all!