Hi, yet another question frmo me about the rt2000.
I do part time work in a professional capacity, Corporate and promotional videos. And my boss buys a firewire hardwire for the bulk of each project. For me to access the drive. Would i be able to plug it into the firewire on the RT2000, <not as a regular setup obviously but just to transfer data to my own drives> or would i need a seperate pci card with a firewire port?
I only ask because i read something on the rt2000 forums, suggesting such a thing?
also saying this works.. is DV footage captured by a DV500, readable by the RT2000.
Im assuming so because its just transfered data.. or is this totaly wrong???
thanks again for your help
I do part time work in a professional capacity, Corporate and promotional videos. And my boss buys a firewire hardwire for the bulk of each project. For me to access the drive. Would i be able to plug it into the firewire on the RT2000, <not as a regular setup obviously but just to transfer data to my own drives> or would i need a seperate pci card with a firewire port?
I only ask because i read something on the rt2000 forums, suggesting such a thing?
also saying this works.. is DV footage captured by a DV500, readable by the RT2000.
Im assuming so because its just transfered data.. or is this totaly wrong???
thanks again for your help