hi there thanks for the last reply my freind.
ok another question i have g400 tv .what is the latest drivers ect i should be running.
power desk /pc--vcr remote .ect ect.also is there any way to capture other than mjpeg.rgb.
as my mate just got new drivers for his better than mine so he says ati all in wonda 128.cost him £10 pound to download from there site today delivered in 30 days.a driver that enable him to capture and burn direct to video cd no encoding is this correct or a scam from him.?? that would be nice for me to be able to mach him he is one who likes to boast and put people down .
loooser thanks ..for this forum and the privildge to get advice and learn..
ok another question i have g400 tv .what is the latest drivers ect i should be running.
power desk /pc--vcr remote .ect ect.also is there any way to capture other than mjpeg.rgb.
as my mate just got new drivers for his better than mine so he says ati all in wonda 128.cost him £10 pound to download from there site today delivered in 30 days.a driver that enable him to capture and burn direct to video cd no encoding is this correct or a scam from him.?? that would be nice for me to be able to mach him he is one who likes to boast and put people down .
loooser thanks ..for this forum and the privildge to get advice and learn..