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How to place IDE harddrives

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  • #16
    Did not want to add to this thread, but Grigory is telling some strange things: DMA between memory and controller and then DMA between controller and HD. How can you have Direct Memory Access between a HD and a controller?
    Sorry, but when the sytem works in DMA mode, it means that the data from/to a peripheral (and not only HDs) is transferred directly to/form memory, without going through any controller or the CPU.
    I am watching the TV and it's worthless.
    If I switch it on it is even worse.


    • #17
      I have a question along the same line, but I'll end up with 5 items. I currently have following:

      IDE1 Master: HD, partitioned: OS 2GB, empty 8GB
      IDE1 Slave: ZIP
      IDE2 Master: CD-ROM
      IDE2 Slave: CDR

      I expect to end up with 5 items, OS HD, AVI HD, ZIP, CD-ROM, and CDR. Based on the replies herein, it sounds like to keep it simple and inexpensive I should configure as follows (I don't want to go SCSI HD unless absolutely necessary; already going to spend $$ on more memory and AVI HD.):

      IDE1 Master: OS HD
      IDE1 Slave: Zip
      IDE2 Master: AVI HD
      IDE2 Slave: empty

      PCI controller: CD-ROM and CDR.

      1. I assume a PCI controller is not the same thing as going SCSI, true?
      2. Dr. Morbid said make both CDR and CD-ROM masters. I assume then, that on a controller card there is no need to make one a slave, true?
      3. Can I just add another AVI HD in the empty IDE2 slave position later on?
      4. What's the impact on IRQ's? (an area I really don't understand. Will the computer take care of that for me when I reconfigure?)
      5. I was told that I could just delete my CD-ROM and use my CDR for same functions, but when I tried playing music and data disks in my CDR as a CD-ROM machine crashed, data (kid's Toy Story game) played poorly, sound getting ahead of loading of video, and then crashed as well, so I assume I need to keep both. Is this a function of my CDR just being a couple years old?
      6. Is there any impact caused by my partition in the OS HD?

      I am learning a TON in these posts. Thanks to all of you.


