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DON'T install the AngelPotion MPEG-4 codec!!

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  • DON'T install the AngelPotion MPEG-4 codec!!

    This recommendation is from Avery Lee's VirtualDUB news page and dated Nov. 6, 2000. For complete information browse to;

    Dr. Mordrid

  • #2

    Thanks for the info Doc. I've had this download hanging around for a while but I never got around to installing it, don't think I'll bother now!

    Cheers - Simon


    • #3
      Well is there any alternative to AngelPotion MPEG-4 codec since I have lots of movies (NO NOT THAT KIND OF MOVIES!!! hrmm they are all div-x )that I can not play without it?

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      • #4
        Why not simply install DivX ;-) then?
        As the AngelPotion Codec is as illegal as DivX;-) you can stay with the "original" as well.
        But we named the *dog* Indiana...
        My System
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        German ATI-forum


        • #5
          I have Div-x installed but as i said they dont work whitout AngelPotion!

          Join the MURC SETI team! | SETI @ MURC

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          According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


          • #6
            Originally posted by Guru:
            I have Div-x installed but as i said they dont work whitout AngelPotion!
            Ah, I see.
            Hmmm, strange format... I never crossed a DivX ;-) movie that I couldn't play with the standard install of DivX 3.11 alpha, but then this were only a few "foreign" ones. Most DivX ;-) I have are encoded by myself.

            But on the VirtualDub site (see the link in Dr. Mordrid's post) there is something said about AngelPotion Files playing nice without the codec when you change some bits in the file-header

            The APmpg4v1.apl file that AngelPotion installs in your system directory is actually a compressed version of Microsoft's MPG4C32.DLL. This file is decompressed to a file in your temp directory and opened as a codec, with the AngelPotion driver acting as a shim between the client program and the driver. Builds around ~400 had an unmodified version of build 3688, the Windows Media Tools 4.0 beta version of the MS codec; as of the latest build (702) the file's resources have been modified to look like "APvcLib" but it is still the MPEG-4 V3 codec -- look at it in a hex editor. AngelPotion is the same as the Microsoft codec, produces the same compressed video format, and is no more legal than DivX. You can change the FOURCC of an AngelPotion file to DIV3 or MP43 (MPG4C32.DLL build 3688 only), and it will decompress fine.

            [This message has been edited by Indiana (edited 13 November 2000).]
            But we named the *dog* Indiana...
            My System
            2nd System (not for Windows lovers )
            German ATI-forum


            • #7
              A friend of mine just wrote a little programm which patches the AP-DivX;-) files. I am gonna ask him if I may send you this program, if you want it...


              • #8
                mail to

                Join the MURC SETI team! | SETI @ MURC

                Don't get even — get odd!
                According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


                • #9
                  Hey Guys,

                  still waiting for the little program. My friend is doing some smaller modifications on the program, but he will have it ready today...

                  So just wait a little bit longer ;-)

