how to use YUY2 on XP and a G400+RRG under XP?
i use the latest (3.02) video tools created by "the messiah" Adis,
but i can capture only in RGB and in HWMJpeg, i would use AVI_IO with Picvideo Software MJPEG, but if i try, the result is the screen with wrong colours (it seems because the combo RGB+Picvideo);
so i need to abilitate the yuy2. Under Win 98 i used the Flying Dutchman patch, but under XP?
another prob is that my HARDWARE MJPEG capture is good only at 352*288, otherwise if i try to capture at other resolutions the screen seems like segmented by many lines that mostly in movement scenes have a very bad result
please help me
i use the latest (3.02) video tools created by "the messiah" Adis,
but i can capture only in RGB and in HWMJpeg, i would use AVI_IO with Picvideo Software MJPEG, but if i try, the result is the screen with wrong colours (it seems because the combo RGB+Picvideo);
so i need to abilitate the yuy2. Under Win 98 i used the Flying Dutchman patch, but under XP?
another prob is that my HARDWARE MJPEG capture is good only at 352*288, otherwise if i try to capture at other resolutions the screen seems like segmented by many lines that mostly in movement scenes have a very bad result
please help me