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Win2k and synchronous A/V capture

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  • Win2k and synchronous A/V capture

    I've got three capture machines running with basically the same hardware (there are some via/intel chipset differences), and all three capture video successfully under NT 4.0. One uses a Marvel G400/TV, and the other two use Hauppauge BT-based capture cards. One of the Hauppauge machines is using an ISA SB-AWE64, and the other two are using SB Live Value cards. I installed Win2K on all three machines as an additional OS, and video capture doesn't work on any of them. Well, actually the "video" part works fine, but VirtualDub reports "Error: Audio data lost during capture." and the resulting audio stream has split-second gaps in it, making sync impossible (AVI_IO does the same thing, but doesn't report the problem). If I boot back to NT 4.0, everything is fine (I'm using the latest Liveware drivers for both operating systems; downloaded them today). I've given up trying to figure out what's wrong with everything here, but I figured I'd mention it, in case anyone has a magical solution

    (I've got a magical solution to "Win2K doesn't shut down because DEVLDR32.EXE won't die, if anyone needs one ... disable the automatic startup of the four Windows Media services...)

  • #2
    This is one reason why I'm not using Win2K for anything but video beta work. There are still problems with the VfW-WDM interpeter, WDM capture itself and many of Win2K's multimedia features. Some devices work with it, but most do not.

    It's my opinion that this probably won't be fixed until the next service pack, which is why many makers are still issuing beta Win2K drivers only.

    Those that can use it are often writing custom patches of their own, which some companies are resistant to invest their own resources to do since Microsoft should have got it right the first time themselves.

    Dr. Mordrid

