I have seached all over for an answer, or at least one that can help. What is cfsmpegvideo ? I ran some tests and got an error message saying this device has a problem.
WinXP pro
Asus P4P800 Deluxe Motherboard.
ATI Radeon 9000 Video Card 64MB
( I have just pulled out my Matrox G400 Marvel and moved it to my daugthers machine). I need the performance (thought it is not my 'dream card, I got a good deal on it and now get 3x the performance shown by actual use and benchmarks).
Thank you,
I have seached all over for an answer, or at least one that can help. What is cfsmpegvideo ? I ran some tests and got an error message saying this device has a problem.
WinXP pro
Asus P4P800 Deluxe Motherboard.
ATI Radeon 9000 Video Card 64MB
( I have just pulled out my Matrox G400 Marvel and moved it to my daugthers machine). I need the performance (thought it is not my 'dream card, I got a good deal on it and now get 3x the performance shown by actual use and benchmarks).
Thank you,