i've got a Matrox G400TV capturing at 352x288 and 704x576 PAL MJPEG. Been capturing and playing back fine.
All of a sudden captured files now come up with sudden rainbowed color pixels covering the video when opened in VirtualDub, Adobe Premiere or converitng to MPEG format.
Strange thing is that it plays back perfectly fine without the problem in Windows Media Player.
How do i get rid of these colored pixels when tryin to edit the AVI file in VirtualDub or Adobe Premiere. Worked perfectly fine before.
The problem also happened a long time ago before i reformatted and reinstalled Win2K again. But stopped happening for a while until now again.
Anyone out there can help me out here?
Thanx alot if u can...
i've got a Matrox G400TV capturing at 352x288 and 704x576 PAL MJPEG. Been capturing and playing back fine.
All of a sudden captured files now come up with sudden rainbowed color pixels covering the video when opened in VirtualDub, Adobe Premiere or converitng to MPEG format.
Strange thing is that it plays back perfectly fine without the problem in Windows Media Player.
How do i get rid of these colored pixels when tryin to edit the AVI file in VirtualDub or Adobe Premiere. Worked perfectly fine before.
The problem also happened a long time ago before i reformatted and reinstalled Win2K again. But stopped happening for a while until now again.
Anyone out there can help me out here?
Thanx alot if u can...