I was ordering some hardware the other day and I a talk with one of the owners of the store about my new rtx.10. The first thing out of his mouth was "Have you taken it back yet?".
I thought this a little odd, over the following few minutes he explained that real time cards are a thing if the past and now a hendrence to the movie making process in most cases. His first point was that the encoding process to mpeg2 was was best done in software as the top hardware was not as good as the top software encoders. His second point was once the hardware was maxed out it woud slow the system down, In turn making the average rendering time greater with the RT hardware then if you rendered the movie with software alone.
I thought I would post this and see what other people think.
I thought this a little odd, over the following few minutes he explained that real time cards are a thing if the past and now a hendrence to the movie making process in most cases. His first point was that the encoding process to mpeg2 was was best done in software as the top hardware was not as good as the top software encoders. His second point was once the hardware was maxed out it woud slow the system down, In turn making the average rendering time greater with the RT hardware then if you rendered the movie with software alone.
I thought I would post this and see what other people think.