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Rainbow Runner G-series vs G200 Marvel

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  • Rainbow Runner G-series vs G200 Marvel

    Well when ever I can get my hands on DDR thunderbird board with on board RAID and G800 (that will be the day!) I was thinking about turning my current machine into a video editing machine or something along those lines to play with. I'm currently running a G400MAX in my PC, But I have a G200 Marvel that was orginally in it with a V2 SLI setup. My question is is it worth it to put the Marvel back in or get a Rainbow Runner to add onto the Max?


    Abit BH6 with a Celeron 2-566@877mhz,256mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem,WinME on Western Digital 30GB drive
    Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

  • #2
    To be honest, it depends on where your priorities lie. No doubt the G400's beat the G200's on 3D performance, so if you are into gaming then your choice is obvious. On pure vidcap, the G-RR and Marvels use the same Zoran chipset, so there is no advantage either way. Driverwise, later Video Tools cater for both, so there isn't an advantage there either.

    WinME may be a factor, but not having used it I'll leave it to the other regulars to cast their own opinions.

    Your machine spec intrigues me. Firstly if you are thinking of vidcap then you should be looking at a second HD without a doubt. Secondly, why run so many CD devices ? IN my own experience, the difference between an 8* and 40* CDRom is negligible for most applications, so why keep both in the machine ? I can understand using a DVD and CDR together, I have a similar setup in one of my PCs. In my latest baby however, I've got one drive that is CDR, CDRW and DVD all in one drive, and it wasn't expensive. In fact, given the amount of HD I want to stuff into this machine, I wouldn't have had room if I'd used separate Cd drives.

    The rest of your setup looks good unless you want to dabble in Huffy capture, which may be marginal (judging by other's posts)




    • #3
      I know I have alot of CD devices in the current PC I have. I'm gonna have to figure out what I'm going to do when I get the new system. Most likely I'll pull one of them out and use in the new system. The current system will most likely become my workhorse system for burning CDs and what not and the new system for Gaming. So I guess I'll put back the Marvel in and Sell the G400 to put towards the G800 or what ever its called .


      Abit BH6 with a Celeron 2-566@877mhz,256mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem,WinME on Western Digital 30GB drive
      Why is it called tourist season, if we can't shoot at them?

