ok i want to make some snoboarding/extreme
sports movies with some friends of mine.
Some of them are profesionals so i would like
the quality to be of pretty good quality, in the hopes of producing a movie that could eventually be sold.
Iam on a budget of around 800 dollars, i could spend more but would like not to.
I know i want to go digital because of the smaller size than of digital 8.
I have narrowed my selection down to
eather the panasonic line of camera's
or the jvc line..due to the price..any other suggestions?
the jvc 805 or the 505 depending on real difference in quality. The panasonic would be the pv-100, pc-200, or pv-400...hat is the differene..
I have heard that the panasonics have bad low light quality.
This matters to me because of low light conditions on the mountain. I also want to video tape "night" time activites, such as a
kegger or something.
well if any of you experts have any advice it would be apprecieated.
Thank you
sports movies with some friends of mine.
Some of them are profesionals so i would like
the quality to be of pretty good quality, in the hopes of producing a movie that could eventually be sold.
Iam on a budget of around 800 dollars, i could spend more but would like not to.
I know i want to go digital because of the smaller size than of digital 8.
I have narrowed my selection down to
eather the panasonic line of camera's
or the jvc line..due to the price..any other suggestions?
the jvc 805 or the 505 depending on real difference in quality. The panasonic would be the pv-100, pc-200, or pv-400...hat is the differene..
I have heard that the panasonics have bad low light quality.
This matters to me because of low light conditions on the mountain. I also want to video tape "night" time activites, such as a
kegger or something.
well if any of you experts have any advice it would be apprecieated.
Thank you