Well, since I last posted, I have upgraded my system by dropping in a cubx and a Celeron 433 (oc'd to 488), and I am still dropping frames in VirtualDub. I am capturing off an RRG in YUY2 with HuffYUV in CIF resolution. My capture drive is a UW Seagate on an Adaptec 2940UW, which specs at 7.99 mb/s.
I don't understand. I have the bandwidth on the drive, I have a processor that I don't believe is underpowered for the codec (esp since the processor load never exceeds 40%). What could possible be causing it to drop frames. Per 15 minute clip I drop 30 frames. Why?
Could an upgrade of the VideoTools help? I am running 1.52 with 5.52 video driver. Thanks for any help.