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video editting Rig

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  • video editting Rig

    I am new at this and want to do some video editing. I am building a new rig with the specs listed below. If anyone out there can give me a heads up on somethings that I need to look out for or any configuration problems that you might see. Or you can just read this and tell me that I have done a great job.

    Mobo: -gigabyte k8t800 (GA-K8VNXP)

    Vid:-Matrox RT.X10 Suite PCI
    -CHAINTECH nvidia geforce fx5200 128mb ddr, 64-bit 8xagp

    Proc:-AMD ath. 64 3400+, 1mb l2 cache 64-bit

    RAM:-corsair xms extreme mem spd 2x512mb ddr pc-3200

    HDD:-2x74gb 10k rpm WD
    -1x250gb SATA WD

    MEDIA:-Plextor dvd+r/rw PX-504a-sw

    SOUND: -Creative SB Audigy2 ZS platinum pci

    CASE: -ASPIRE (Turbo Case)X-Superalien Blue Aluminum Server Case with 500W Power Supply, Model "ATXA6SW/500"

  • #2
    A few things that come to mind:

    Matrox video cards are great for machines that are doing video/graphics work. If you are afraid of being left behind gamewise, that is for you to decide. I will say this: that if you are building a dedicated machine, give the P750 a strong look.

    Again, if games aren't a consideration, you can do better (and cheaper) than a Sound Blaster. The Turtle beach Santa Cruz is good, but if you do a search in the Desktop Video forum you will find many other recommendations.

    You may want to research on the Matrox Video Group web page, as well as other newsgroups to find out if the 64bit athlon boards are fully supported by the RT line. Moreover, there may not be any (current) performance gains to be had.

    You might consider the following changes: go with a single P4 chip and mobo, simpler sound card and video board, and sink the money savings into a second monitor, or perhaps two that match.

    Also, Don't bother with RAID, unless you really have a desire to do so for reasons other than NLE. I realize you didn't mention RAID. I'm just throwing that out as a general consideration.

    Finally, as a general design thought, approach a video editing machine as follows: Pick your NLE board and build around it. Do not build a trendy machine and shoe-horn in the NLE board.

    Hope that helps,
    Dr. Moreau
    System: P4 2.4, 512k 533FSB, Giga-Byte GA-8PE667 Ultra, 1024MB Corsair XMS PC333, Maxtor D740x 60GB, Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, PCPower&Cooling Silencer 400.

    Capture Drives (for now): IBM 36LZX 9.1, Quantum Atlas 10KII 9.1 on Adaptec 29160


    • #3
      Welcome to MURC.
      Our Desktop Video forum would be the best place to find answers/opinions for the questions you have, so this thread can now be found there...
      Core2 Duo E7500 2.93, Asus P5Q Pro Turbo, 4gig 1066 DDR2, 1gig Asus ENGTS250, SB X-Fi Gamer ,WD Caviar Black 1tb, Plextor PX-880SA, Dual Samsung 2494s


      • #4
        I also think that there is no need for Audigy, 64bit Athlon etc...

        I tip on Intel mobo with Dual Xeon processors.

        Integrated SoundMAX audio on Intel mobos is nice enough
        and it's really good with good speakers (I'm using Hercules 2.1
        speakers). Newer motherboards have integrated 5+1 sound

        RTX10/RTX100 is all you need for video. For graphics, Parhelia or
        P-series are nice (I'm using Parhelia 256 and it's marvelous with
        WYSIWYG plugins for Photoshop, AfterEffects, Premiere Pro, 3dsmax etc...)


        • #5
          OTOH if you are going in to Vid editing for film and Documentaries for pro work i would recomned going for an AVID XpressPro setup with the folowing specs

          I875 chipset MBD
          PIV 3.0 Ghz 800mhz FSB (the E "prescot" version would be better for the added cache)

          512mb or greater of ddr400

          the HDDs you have are fine

          P750 or Pahrelia 128 with 2x17< or if you can aford it 3x17< monitors....

          on board sound should be suficent....

          a decent firewire card

          and get the MOJO option with avid XP

          But this is only if you are going pro into the eding field... otherwise what adis and moreau are well suited for enthusiast video editing
          "They say that dreams are real only as long as they last. Couldn't you say the same thing about life?"


          • #6
            yeah if you go for a full on video editing rig i would consider a dual channel athlon64/operon.

            Becasue It has insane memory bandwidth(especiall if you go dual opteron). And it handles larger memory and lost dimms no hassles, normal athlon 64's can be a bit finicky with 2 dimms and a real pain with 3.

            But adual opteron will get you anything up to 8 fully usable dimm slots (at ddr 400)

            Current Intel stuff may seem to have good perfomance, but given a little bit of time I think opteron solutions are going to leave them in the dust...and there is nothing great in intels immediate future (prescott = bleh)

            But if you can live with the lower memory bandwidth of the athlon 64 at should still be quite capable(and a $hite load cheaper)

