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Win2k vid. tools by May 2001....

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  • Win2k vid. tools by May 2001....

    Wonderful. At least we know how long the wait will be.

    <a href=""></a>


  • #2
    well, while i am a text book cynic, i do hope that Matrox does keep its word on this.

    Somethings I hope Matrox notices:

    With dualhead in Win2k enabled, they insisted that the RRG display would only work on the primary monitor. However, up to 640x480 works on the secondary. But wait, it gets better. A certain foofing around with the tools (loading them up, changing window size, shutting down, loading them up, haven't figured it out completely) will allow you to go FULL SCREEN on either monitor, and if you go FULL SCREEN totally, it'll span BOTH monitors!

    One issue I hope they address is the Pure Virtual Function Call when shutting down by pressing F4 instead of the Matrox PC-VCR button. This happens a lot to me. Sometimes when quitting, it just doesn't quit (PC-VCR.EXE can't be killed).

    Another issue I saw is the _temp_.avi file. I have this occur to me, and sometimes it grows to jumongous sizes.

    Any one else have any other issues aside from capturing and whatnot?

    p.s. yeah I am aware that they have a Drive Bug thing but i forgot my login there.


    • #3
      Even though they may be up to five months away (or more, if SQA finds a bug at the last minute), I am so excited. This is wonderful news. I’ll finally be able to purge my system of wretched 98. For the first time since I’ve owned a Matrox product (going back to my G200 Marvel in March of 99) I’ll be able to have just one OS on my system.

      I don’t want to ask for more, I know these have been a long time in the coming, but the curiosity is killing me. I’m planning on building a dual CPU rig this summer, any word on how SMP friendly these video tools will be? If the answer is very, I may just laugh myself silly.

      Again, wonderful news from Haig!



      • #4
        This is great news. My congratulations to Haig for boldly saying that the tools might be available by May.

        The thing to remember is what was stated in an earlier post about SQA snafuing up the whole process.

        I hope everyone gives Haig a pat on the back and remembers what guts it took to post what he did if in fact there is a delay that is beyond his control.

        I haven't always been the best supporter of Matrox when it comes to all the driver issues that have come up in the past. But I am very hopefull now that at least SOMETHING has been said. Whoops, make that suggested.

        Thanks Haig.

        [This message has been edited by IM_Riktar (edited 24 January 2001).]
        Perspective cannot be taught. It must be learned.


        • #5

          HAIG: But what about YUY2 support? Also for recent 9x/NT VT. Why it's not available? Enable this option PLEASE. I suppose it's already internally implemented in all VT. Or not?



          • #6
            YUY2 is the native capture mode of the RRS/RRG and Marvel cards. This is what the MJPeg chip encodes during a capture.

            Yes, it's high time YUY2 was supported out of the box. It's too useful to keep it in hack-land.

            Dr. Mordrid


            • #7

              I've got a dual p3 machine, and the beta vid tools behave well on my machine. I doubt they take advantage of both processors (why would they need to necessarily).



              • #8
                Ready by May 2001?
                Look at the preview of the eTV G450 and read what's written about the W2K Tools.
                I wonder
                I am watching the TV and it's worthless.
                If I switch it on it is even worse.


                • #9
                  Read the whole thing before you frown.

                  The card he has is beta hardware with beta tools dated from October! This means the info in the article was out of date long before he got the card

                  Dr. Mordrid

                  [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 29 January 2001).]


                  • #10
                    OK, OK but I was under the impression that the October release was worse than the April one. I agree, it is only an impression.
                    Anyway, let's hope

                    I am watching the TV and it's worthless.
                    If I switch it on it is even worse.

