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premiere 6.0 audio sync

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  • premiere 6.0 audio sync

    hey, i just got my upgrade, but whenever i preview files or just play them on the timeline, the audio is very noticeably out of sync. It's not gradual, from the very beginning, its off. Do any of you happen to know of this problem or have any suggestions of what to do? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hieu Le

  • #2
    I haven't got Premiere 6 but does this help?

    <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">
    VERY IMPORTANT I "force" audio previews to be rendered in order to get flawless playback. You do this in the project settings under the audio settings. Set to render audio previews to "if 1 layer...".
    Audio rendering is very fast as the souce audio is on the external HD and the audio previews are on the internal HD so the rendering is almost as fast as a copy operation.</font>
    Theres more good stuff on this thread.



    • #3
      Are you using DV?

      If so this could be because most DV cams use unlocked audio. The error caused by this can be significant depending on the exact sampling rate of the particular cam.

      Example: Canon cams sample 48khz audio at an actual frequency of 48.009khz. This may sound insignificant but it can cause a synch error of up to second per hour.

      Sampling differences between two different DV clips can also cause problems in the form of an audible sound at their junction.

      Such problems are not typical, but they can and do arise and drive you nucking futz trying to find the cause.

      Forcing a recompression of the audio stream is one of the fixes. So would be the makers doing a better job of nailing their sample clocks.

      Dr. Mordrid

      [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 22 January 2001).]


      • #4
        no....using the marvel g400. Now premiere seems to have the same problem in win2k and 98....and its really pissing me off. I made temporary installation at a work computer and opened up a standard indeo avi which worked fine so im suspecting my sound card. But until i try....any suggestions or knowledge?
        I am using an awe64 (soundblaster). Again, any help would be greatly appreciated.
        *Note, this didn't happen in 5.1 or with the trial version of msp i had, or videowave.

        The audio is out of sync from the very beginning...and even if i render the audio, its still out of sync until i export it.

