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Ahead of our time!!! (OT)
You may have got rid of one of Tony's mentors but, unfortunately, he seems to have acquired a new one, hell-bent on knocking the bejabers out of the Iraqis. As an ex-pat Brit - with absolutely no political say - I resent any PM who has to take orders from another country. In fact, I can say I'm well out of it!
Brian (the terrible)Brian (the devil incarnate)
IMHO whenever Saddam's radar starts locking onto anyones planes there should be nothing left but a deep, dark hole.
If some chicken**** "President" was unwilling to do it before that's a reflection on him and not an example of what should have been going on.
Dr. Mordrid
The Brits have placed a large military radar installation on this island's highest point, Mount Olympus, a noted beauty spot totally spoilt by this and a Cypriot radar. I'm pretty sure that this radar locks onto every aircraft that comes within 150 km of it, be it civil or military. Does this mean, according to your lights, that it, too, should be destroyed (dismantling may be better, to preserve the beauty), especially as it is a foreign power which has set it up? By extension, all the radars in the USA which lock onto foreign aircraft should also be placed in a deep, dark hole.
Remember that the British and US aircraft are violating the Iraqi national airspace, under international law. Despite what President Bush said, Saddam has not signed any agreement permitting such violation: this is a US/British unilateral act, tantamount to an act of war, especially as it was not sanctioned by the United Nations.
I am no lover of Saddam or the Iraqi régime, but continuing hostility is not going to help the establishment of a better government: it only serves to increase the hate and tension. A number of other nations have, in my opinion, wisely seen this and openly or privately denounce such arrogance. It is time to hold out an olive branch to the Iraqi people, to show them that their leaders are those causing them misery.
Brian (the terrible)Brian (the devil incarnate)
Is it too late to delete my post above?
I did not mean to start any problems. I was just joking about the date being the 19th which happens to be a holiday here.
Sorry for any problems.
Well, now it actually is Feb 19th so....
Happy --------- Day America.
[This message has been edited by KevinG (edited 19 February 2001).]
You are welcome, Brian.
And to extend a bit further your remarks: why limit ourselves to military radars? After all, most of the job can also be done with the radars used by the air trafic controllers. Should we burry them too in black holes?
My God, the Earth starts to look like a giant Swiss cheese
I am watching the TV and it's worthless.
If I switch it on it is even worse.
Happy President's Day (for the US folks)
For some info on this holiday here, try this
Don't panic folks - this is just another promise that our current UK government made before the '97 election (although it was buried so deep in the manifesto that no-one knew about it). Due to the fact that they will be calling a new election "sometime soon", they've seen fit to make as many of their previous election promises as possible appear true.
I think that this is an attempt to show that Britain is more industrious than the rest of the developed world (and therefore we're 4 days ahead of the rest of you). Please address all ribald replies to tonyblair@houseofcommons.gov.uk
Ahhhh.....Tony Blair....
We *finally* got rid of his mentor, B. Clinton. Gawd....I never though that would end
Actually it didn't. Now that he's out he's under investigation for taking a bribe to pardon a fugitive on his last day in office. The guys wife was one of his contributors and is taking the 5th so as not to testify.
Even his fellow Democrats are bailing on him now....
Dr. Mordrid
PS; "taking the 5th" is slang. It means one is partaking of the protections of our constitutions 5th amendment against self incrimination while testifying.
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 19 February 2001).]
Now don't go all political on me - it's bad enough being a total political cynic without encouragement. Besides, I liked Bill. Hell, with all of the shit that guy carried (property scandal, Monica - allegedly, Now a new pardoning probe), he was almost a member of the human race instead of a sqeaky-clean do-gooder. Take that a bit further and take a look at Jessie Jackson. Since I am one of the few people that I know that doesn't have a general colour prejudice, Jessie has been a bit of a breath of fresh air these last few years. It looks as if he's been caught totally off-guard recently, but again that only tells me that he's part of the human race rather than a moral freak.
Oh no, I can feel a "discussion" coming on.