I just recently purchased an X800 XT VIVO and I am getting ready to convert a bunch of VHS tapes to DVD. My video card came with Powerdirector 3DE. Apparently this is a cut down version of the full version. That's not a big deal to me because I don't need much. I have a problem though...
Whenever I hit the record button, the software locks up and I can't kill it from task manager. Actually, anything else I load up after that doesn't close properly, so it fubars my whole system.
So here I am, hoping it is the video capture softwar eso I can use something else and move on. All help is appreciated
And last, I'm willing to troubleshoot, but I don't know where to begin.
Whenever I hit the record button, the software locks up and I can't kill it from task manager. Actually, anything else I load up after that doesn't close properly, so it fubars my whole system.
So here I am, hoping it is the video capture softwar eso I can use something else and move on. All help is appreciated

And last, I'm willing to troubleshoot, but I don't know where to begin.