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    Many thanks !
    Where can I download / buy these programs from ?
    Any urls ?
    Thanks again

  • #2
    The bad part: you can only do what I'm doing from Win9x for now. Win2K drivers do not have the YUY2 capability (yet). One more reason for doing dualboots.

    YUY2 is an alternate capture mode of the RR-G & Marvel. You can get the driver patch at;

    Just make sure you only use it with ver. 1.52 of the Video Tools. Ver. 1.54's YUY2 support is seriously broken.

    MSPro 5 VE came with your card so you've got that already and it has *.asf export capabilitiy. Just choose it from the filetypes item when you, export the video.

    HuffYUV is used in conjunction with the YUY2 utility. Using capture programs like AVI-IO or Uleads Video Capture you set the Format as YUY2 with the proper frame size then you select HuffYUV as the Compression.

    HuffYUV halves the data rate of the YUY2 captures bringing them down into the range where a single drive can handle them. Without it you'd need a RAID array. You can get it for free here;

    It installs as a codec so is available for captures and for setting up project settings in MSPro.

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 08 March 2001).]


    • #3
      Home videos

      Am having constant problems when using the windows media encoder.I have a G400max and a rainbow runner g. I am running windows2000 and no matter which combination of drivers I try and use , the problem remains the same. If I try and use Mjpeg compression it tells me the device is already in use ( when no other programs are running ) and when I try to capture in RGB 16-bit , I select the video source / format and it's all set up okay , but when I actually hit the record button , the RGB 16-bit deselects and all it records is sound. Anyone out there have this problem as it's driving me up the wall !!!
      Thanks in advance


      • #4
        That's because the WME is a piece of generally incompatable ****....

        Dr. Mordrid


        • #5
          It would seem so !!
          But I did have it working once and the filesize and video quality was great. One day it just stopped and started being a pain!
          What software do you recommend I use as that was perfect for making short simple video messages for friends.
          Any suggestions ?
          Ulead doesnt seem to like win2000 too much !!
          I need something simple like WME ( preferably that works !)


          • #6
            Actually I have no problem using either MSPro6 or VideoStudio5 in Win2K. None at all.

            For short email videos I use MSPro6 to export *.afs files. I create email videos by capturing YUY2/HuffYUV at 176x120 and use the 56k ISDN presentation video preset. It ain't cinemascope, but it is good enough to express any appropriate gestures

            Dr. Mordrid

            [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 12 March 2001).]

