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Updated MSPro 7.2 patch imminent....

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  • #16
    FTP Taiwan, FTP1 and FTP2 have the patch named msp7sp2.1_e.exe. FTP3 still has the original SP1 patch from 2003 and no versions of sp2.

    The byte size of the msp7sp2.1_e patch is the same as the one that I downloaded the other day from Ulead Taiwan and installed, getting a version number of 7.20.0006.

    Both the Ulead US and Ulead Asia sites list the patches version number as 7.2.0006.

    Tonight after downloading the renamed patch (FTP1: msp7sp2.1_e.exe) you guys are talking about I installed it and STILL have a version number of 7.20.0006. Same results on 4 systems so far and 4 to go.

    As such I believe the file name has changed but not the files contents. Why you guys are getting a version of 7.20.1006 I have NO idea, but I'll run it by Ulead.

    Dr. Mordrid
    Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 21 November 2004, 00:24.
    Dr. Mordrid
    An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

    I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


    • #17
      I uninstalled per your instructions, Doc. Took out all ref's and cleaned registry. Then installed MSP7_E_Upg.exe and then MSP7sp2.1_e.exe and got a version number 7.20.1006 on VEditor.

      Jeff B


      • #18

        Well....FWIW I sent off a note to Uleads team about the version number bug. Please let me know if other problems crop up.

        Dr. Mordrid
        Dr. Mordrid
        An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

        I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


        • #19
          I'm begining to wonder who leads at Ulead !

          Joking apart. I have the same version on all 3 computers ie. 7.20.1006.

          MOBO: Asus P4S533-E
          Video C.: Asus Radieon 9600 XT
          CPU: P4 2.5 GHz
          Last edited by Debbie; 22 November 2004, 10:24.
          We pass this way only once. Make the most of it !


          • #20
            I downloaded and re-installed (yesterday). I still get 7.20.0006.

            I don't know why the difference -- any relationship to other software and/or hardware being used? I'm on an AMD-based system...



            • #21
              Most of my systems are SiS based AMD's, but I also have a couple of IBM systems and they're looking the same.

              Dr. Mordrid
              Dr. Mordrid
              An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

              I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


              • #22
                Both my Asus MOBOs are SIS based and I still get v.7.0020.1006.

                We pass this way only once. Make the most of it !


                • #23
                  Do you know what? My shows now 7.20.0066.
                  First I installed the msp7sp2_e.exe. It showed 7.20.0006 and worked fine.
                  But, I missed to careful read the install it twice trick by Doc.

                  I must confess that reading it later I didn’t understand what Doc said about the built in uninstaller. The patch doesn’t even tell about any uninstaller, so I went to Control panel, Uninstall programs and clicked for Repair.
                  Next I installed the patch and I got the 7.20.0006.
                  Next step: restart and installed the patch second time getting the 7.20.0066
                  Anyhow, I messed it up seriously, but all loads very fast and all work. Or, has Ulead messed it up, not me?

                  Second try:
                  -Control panel-Uninstall-Repair-Reboot,
                  -Installed the msp7sp2_e.exe once, getting back the 7.20.0006
                  Not 7.20.1006 here. I am really confused.
                  Come on Ulead.
                  Last edited by Fred H; 23 November 2004, 16:19.
                  It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings...


                  • #24

                    Please can you laborate further on the uninstallation of the patch. I can't find how or where I can uninstall just the patch.

                    We pass this way only once. Make the most of it !


                    • #25
                      If you're not having a real problem I don't recommend making changes just for the version number, but the best method is to either;

                      1. go to the Control Panel, run Install/Remove and start removing MSPro7. When the dialog comes up choose the "Repair" option and give it the CD. This should take you back to ground zero.

                      OR if that doesn't work;

                      1. fully uninstall MSPro7

                      2. delete the C:/Program Files/Ulead Systems/Ulead MediaStuidio Pro/7.0 folder

                      3. delete the Documents and Settings/(your name)/......./Ulead Systems/Ulead MediaStudio Pro/7.0 folder.

                      Once that's done reinstall 7.0 and whatever other patches you're comfortable with.

                      Dr. Mordrid
                      Last edited by Dr Mordrid; 23 November 2004, 23:50.
                      Dr. Mordrid
                      An elephant is a mouse built to government specifications.

                      I carry a gun because I can't throw a rock 1,250 fps


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Doc
                        1. go to the Control Panel, run Install/Remove and start removing MSPro7. When the dialog comes up choose the "Repair" option and give it the CD. This should take you back to ground zero.
                        It’s exactly what I did: Control panel-Repair and install the patch once.
                        Second time I thought I misunderstood Doc and than I installed the patch twice, getting the strange number of 7.20.0066.
                        Now, everything is ok and the Video Editor loads fast without a pause at 85% of the load time (as Brian also said). The version no. is now showed: 7.20.0006
                        I am disappointed, Ulead.
                        It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings...


                        • #27
                          Version Number


                          I just saw a note from Tobie Openshaw at Ulead, and it appears the digit after 7.20 corresponds to the MSP Version you are using (Full Retail, ESD, VE, etc...). He said as long as you have 7.20 in front, and the 6 at the back, the SP2 patch is installed properly


