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Help with RT2000

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  • Help with RT2000

    Thanks to a little bonus I decided to treat myself to a drool card and went and got myself a RT2000 Mega Pack. I am dying to pop this into my machine but before I do I would be very greatful if anyone could answer a couple of my questions.

    1. I am currently running 98SE and I would like to format and do a clean install in W2K with service pack 1. This will require me to download megapack 3 but I note from the documentation that there are still quite a few issues with it. Mainly with DVDit and title express. If the Doc is reading this would you recommend sticking with Megapack 2 and 98SE for the time being or are the advantages of W2K worth putting up with the known issues.

    2. If I partition with NTFS I know I can capture greater than 2Gb. It there a maximum. I'm sure I read somewhere that even with NTFS you were restricted to 4Gb.

    3. Does Markus Zing's AVI_O work with the RT2K in W2K. Do I need AVI_O with the RT2K or is it's seamless capture truly seamless.

    Spec of PC is Athlon 1Ghz, 768Mb PC133, 2 X IBM Deskstars ( 45 + 30 Gb ) 1 X Maxtor Diamond Max 40Gb. ABIT KT7 Raid ( onboard Raid disabled ),Promise Ultra 100 controller, Soundblaster Awe64.

    My ambition is to develop the editing side of my little venture and with this in mind I intend to do a lot more research into the capabilities of Premier and the RT2K.

    I have a lot of expreience with my DC30+ and Premier 5.1C and I look forward to the delights of realtime.

    If anyone has any suggestions or any pitfalls they have encountered I would love to hear about them.

    Thanks in anticipation


    p.s. One on the factors that made me opt for a RT2K was the enthusiam that the DOC has for his card and it's capabilites. Keep up the good work DOC.
    ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro

  • #2
    1. FYI the ABIT KT7-RAID, ABIT SE6 and the SuperMicro PIIISCD are the only boards on the Matrox RT-2000 s*** list.

    That said if you want to try it anyhow I'd install a 4-in-1 driver later than 4.25 first. 4.29 is current. Get it here;

    2. You do not need AVI_IO with the RT2K. It's seamless capture works very well and the MediaTools (this will appear with public beta2) also do scene detected captures.

    This is nothing short of fantastic. It makes Scenealyzer look very mild. It'll even create a Premiere project file that will load all the scene detected files into a default project. Nice way to start!

    3. I'd wait a very short time for public beta2 to be released and go Win2K/NTFS. It's due this coming Friday if nothing hits the wall this week. This setup is definitely the butterzone.

    4. With NTFS you have the choice of 2 gig segmented, scenealyzed or one big gulp captures. One big gulp = NO file size limit. I prefer using the MediaTools for scenealyzed with NTFS big gulp activated so it doesnt' break up long scenes.

    Have you ever tried filling a 240 gig RAID with DV files just to see if it worked right? No, not with a DVcam but with cable movies by S-Video input using the JVC's tuner.

    Sheesh....what betas have to do

    Dr. Mordrid

    [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 22 March 2001).]


    • #3
      Thanks DOC

      I was afraid you were going to say that about the ABIT. I'll give it a bash and if need be I'll buy a new motherboard.

      Anyone got a recommendation for a good motherboard for my Athlon 1Gig bearing in mind I have an ISA AWE 64 Sound card so I'll need at least one ISA slot.

      Thanks Pooh

      [This message has been edited by Pooh (edited 22 March 2001).]
      ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


      • #4
        For an Athlon system I'd steer clear of VIA chipped boards and stick with the AMD chipped boards by major makers.

        Here is the RT-2000 recommended list;

        It may not include all the boards in the market, but should give you an idea.

        The most stable combo, however, remains a good BX board like the P3B-F or CUBX with a fast PIII.

        Intel really needs to bring on a better BX replacement....

        Don't forget to install SPI for Win2K before setting up your system

        Dr. Mordrid

        [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 22 March 2001).]


        • #5

          " It's seamless capture works very well and the MediaTools (this will appear with public beta2) also do scene detected captures. "

          What on earth is a scene detected capture


          ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


          • #6
            Using a DV or Digital8 camera each time you start and stop recording a marker is placed on the tape by the cam. The video between these markers are "scenes".

            Using these markers the MediaTools can automatically scan, capture, name and save as a separate *.avi each scene with its timecode intact. You just rewind the tape to the beginning, hit the Scan/Capture button and walk away instead of setting the mark-in's and mark-out's for each scene yourself in the device control, which can take a long time.

            If you only want a range of scenes from the middle of the tape it can be set up to capture just those as well. You just set up the mark-in for the first scene and the mark-out for the last, hit Scan/Capture and walk away.

            A list of the captured scenes is generated which can also be saved and reloaded later for reworking. This list can be edited, comments added to each scene as well as on disk scenes being imported or existing scenes deleted from the list.

            The MediaTools also can create a default Premiere project with the files in the list preloaded into Premiere and ready to edit when the project is loaded.

            The MediaTools can also save individual frames from any clip in its list or from the raw tape, import an old list, play from tape, play from disk etc., etc., etc.

            Neat, eh?

            Dr. Mordrid

            [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 23 March 2001).]


            • #7
              Thanks for the Info Doc. It seems like I've got a bit to learn here.

              FYI I have done a bit of digging about in the RT forums and it would apprear that some of the guys are using ABIT KT7 Raids. One of the forum members was quite scathing about Matrox for putting this Mobo on the **** list as he said that with just some minimal bios tweaking he got his system to work fine.

              Anyway I'll no doubt find out today if it does or does not work.


              ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


              • #8
                Yup, guess so

                If I were you I'd probably give it a go too, if for no other reason than I'm CHEAP

                And yes, the RT-2000 does have a bit of a learning curve. That's to be expected with a product with so many features. It's well worth it though.

                GAWD....I love that thing.

                Dr. Mordrid


                • #9
                  Hello Doc

                  After about 4 reinstalls of windows I have now got the beast working like a dream under 98SE. I think my difficulties were due to a duff ram chip or dim socket. I have 3 256 PC133 chips. I am using only one of them at this time. Over the next few days i will swap them around and try to find which one is the duff one or which dimm socket is shot.

                  I bought the Megapack2 kit from my local dealer and it came with Premier 6. I cannot seem to get premier 6 to work properly. It keeps crashing out. Premier 5 works fine however.

                  Even with only a few hours of messing about with the RT I have to say I'm sitting here with a huge grin on my face at what this card can do.

                  Watch this space


                  ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


                  • #10
                    When you install P6 it's best to do it to a minimalist installation. That and Win2K is really the best for it as well.

                    BTW: the 2nd release of the 3.0 MEGA Pack public beta is Monday. It was delayed from Friday when one of Matrox's FTP servers took a hike.

                    If you think you're smiling now.....

                    Dr. Mordrid

                    [This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 24 March 2001).]


                    • #11
                      I had a look on the forums and got the info on the Mega Pack 3 relaese on Monday.

                      It looks like time to dig out my W2K CD and get the ISDN modem fired up .

                      What impressed me today was that I could have source video A playing and at the same time have a a second video playing via a picture in picture filter, scaled to 25% flying across the original video whilst rotating 720 degrees throught the y-axis all in realtime.


                      ASUS P4S533, P4 2.53Ghz, 1.25Gb PC2700, 40Gb System HD 120Gb AV HD, WinXp Pro


                      • #12
                        Yup. Realtime animated PIP is a mindblower at first.

                        You should see how a *.tga title looks with a flyout, particle or distortion effect applied. You can loose a lot of sleep just tinkering with all the toys.

                        BTW: my effects count in 3.0 is up over 1600, and many if not most are reverible, keyframeable and croppable.

                        Dr. Mordrid

