I want to optimise my system so I can capture drop-free.
Currently I have:
Windows 98 optimised for linear editing according http://www.matrox.com/mga/support/fa.../video4.cfm#33
PIII 800MHz running on ASUS CUSL2-C motherboard with ATA100 harddisk, 256 MB RAM, Matrox G200 TV AGP, SoundBlaster PCI 128.
The Matrox CD benchmark rates the hard disk ~20 MB/sec
The best I could squeeze with AVI_IO and VirtualDub is a constant 2 dropped frames per minute rate. As a source I use Hi-Fi VCR with original tape. The video driver is V5.55.022, the tools are V1.52
I tried different capture frame rate. Even at 15 fps it still drops frames, so it does not seem to be a bandwith problem. I use YUY2 with HuffYuv, latest version.
I want to optimise my system so I can capture drop-free.
Currently I have:
Windows 98 optimised for linear editing according http://www.matrox.com/mga/support/fa.../video4.cfm#33
PIII 800MHz running on ASUS CUSL2-C motherboard with ATA100 harddisk, 256 MB RAM, Matrox G200 TV AGP, SoundBlaster PCI 128.
The Matrox CD benchmark rates the hard disk ~20 MB/sec
The best I could squeeze with AVI_IO and VirtualDub is a constant 2 dropped frames per minute rate. As a source I use Hi-Fi VCR with original tape. The video driver is V5.55.022, the tools are V1.52
I tried different capture frame rate. Even at 15 fps it still drops frames, so it does not seem to be a bandwith problem. I use YUY2 with HuffYuv, latest version.