I'm beginning to pine for the old days of 40 MB, 500 MB, & 4 GB hard drives. Why in God's name, do you ask? Because despite the awesome increases in capacity (or maybe hand in hand with it) I believe there has been a quantum increase in UNreliability.
I have a dozen hard drives kicking around my shop ranging from 1.2 to 6 GB and I use them almost daily, reformatting and reinstalling operating systems as the need arises to diagnose this or that. They lie scattered about without so much as an antistatic bag to protect them. I can grab one at random secure in the knowledge that it will ALWAYS boot, without having to worry about a single bit (literally) of lost data or a single bad sector. Contrast that to the 40, 80, 120, 200, or 250 GB drives I see on a daily basis that have bad sectors all over the place, that crash and suffer catastrophic data loss by the gigabyte if you sneeze anywhere in the room, with little hope of recovery.
As you may have guessed by now, I've fallen victem to a major data loss, on the 200 GB Seagate I got myself for Christmas. 6 GB of audio files gone. Hopefully I'll be able to recover something but right now I hold little hope.
The only alternative explaination I can think of is that there is a massive magnetic meteorite under my house which is wreaking havok with these already-hopelessly-fragile devices. The only hole in this theory is that my magnetic compass works fine.
So, opinions, please. Am I on to something, or am I just getting paranoid in my old age?
I recall Leo Laporte on "The Screen Savers" once asking John Dvorak what operating system he'd use if he wanted to be absolutely hack-proof. Without batting an eye Dvorak said "MSDOS 5.0."
I have a dozen hard drives kicking around my shop ranging from 1.2 to 6 GB and I use them almost daily, reformatting and reinstalling operating systems as the need arises to diagnose this or that. They lie scattered about without so much as an antistatic bag to protect them. I can grab one at random secure in the knowledge that it will ALWAYS boot, without having to worry about a single bit (literally) of lost data or a single bad sector. Contrast that to the 40, 80, 120, 200, or 250 GB drives I see on a daily basis that have bad sectors all over the place, that crash and suffer catastrophic data loss by the gigabyte if you sneeze anywhere in the room, with little hope of recovery.
As you may have guessed by now, I've fallen victem to a major data loss, on the 200 GB Seagate I got myself for Christmas. 6 GB of audio files gone. Hopefully I'll be able to recover something but right now I hold little hope.
The only alternative explaination I can think of is that there is a massive magnetic meteorite under my house which is wreaking havok with these already-hopelessly-fragile devices. The only hole in this theory is that my magnetic compass works fine.
So, opinions, please. Am I on to something, or am I just getting paranoid in my old age?
I recall Leo Laporte on "The Screen Savers" once asking John Dvorak what operating system he'd use if he wanted to be absolutely hack-proof. Without batting an eye Dvorak said "MSDOS 5.0."