This may seem like a simple question, but I'm a simple minded guy I guess. I downloaded and ran PCIList, and it let me know that my G400 DH is only running in AGP 1X mode. I had suspected this, but have never found a setting in bios to enable 2x AGP. I have the Abit BE6-II w/PIII 500Mhz. My FSB is set to 100Mhz and AGP 1/1 which is not 133Mhz.
Is this the 2x enabler, by going to a 133Mhz PIII, is that the only way I will achieve 2x AGP?, or is there a setting somewhere I need to switch?
Is this the 2x enabler, by going to a 133Mhz PIII, is that the only way I will achieve 2x AGP?, or is there a setting somewhere I need to switch?