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  • Matrox/MSPro

    I'm currently visiting my daughter in Switzerland and poked my nose in the shop where I had bought much hardware and software when I was living there, including at least two Matrox cards (although not my Marvel).

    Today, they had no Matrox cards of any type in stock. All the video stuff they had was Pinnacle, and they stocked the complete range (I think). Nowhere could I find anything referring to MSPro (maybe because a French software version is not available?????) but plenty of refs to Adobe Premiere, in French.

    The shop is a "media supermarket" type covering a price range going from the "grand public" through to semi-pro. They had DV camcorders, mainly Sony, Panasonic, Thomson and JVC ranging in price up to CHF 5000 (USD 3100), only one analogue one (Sony Hi-8) on the shelves, now.

    Are companies like U-Lead and Matrox losing business by ignoring the non-English-language markets, or what?

    Brian (the terrible)
    Brian (the devil incarnate)