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Windows ME or Win 2K for RT 2500?

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  • Windows ME or Win 2K for RT 2500?

    Is there a big difference between the two? With the RT 2000 or RT 2500, most of the processing is (I think) done by the card itself. So does the operating system or processor speed make a difference?

  • #2
    Is there really any other choice?



    • #3

      W98SE !

      Brian (the terrible)
      Brian (the devil incarnate)


      • #4
        Brian, although I agree with you, on Win98SE, it will quickly become obsolete especially when Windows XP is released.
        Hardware and software manufacturer's will eventually drop support (I think) of Win98se and it will die just like Win3.1 and Win95 did.

        I'm one for stability and functionality, Win2000 offers that and more, like dual processors, better memory management etc.

        I'm currently running the RT2500 on a Dual PIII 600 with 512 mb ram, with Win2K no problems at all.
        Not only that, all the other apps like Soundforge After effects Cool3D etc all run perfectly.
        So from a personal view (alsofrom experience) I think Win2K is a much better choice than a soon to be obsolete OS like Win98SE.


        [This message has been edited by Elie (edited 30 April 2001).]


        • #5
          I agree with Elie. I have a Win98SE/Win2K dualboot to test the RT on and Win2K is DEFINTELY the way to go. Not even close.

          Dr. Mordrid


          • #6

            Do you never run obsolete software? Some of mine, that I use daily, are 5 - 10 years old. I don't give a tinker's cuss that they are old, as long as they work for what I want to do.

            If I updated every software/hardware the moment a new version comes out, not only would I be bankrupt, but Bill Gates & Co. would be that much richer (and my systems would not work as well, to boot).

            As I've always said, if it ain't broke (and if it has the functionality you need), don't fix it.

            For my video work, I have a perfectly stable system, working fine and doing everything I need under W98SE. For what reason should I change to W2000, which would require $$$, a serious hardware upgrade, dodgy drivers and all the rest. Just because 98SE is obsolete? No way! Now that Bill has dropped to secong richest, let's see whether we can get him down a few more places.

            Brian (the terrible)
            Brian (the devil incarnate)

