I ordered the CinemaCraft CCE Basic. It seems great. I had a initial problem with the extention naming, but that is fixed now. I export via movie from premeire 6.5. I use 2 pass vrb settings with sterio wave audio. I use the standard settings. What is the crc box? Should I click it? What about the quality settings box?
I am mainly encoding: music videos, weddings, football games, and some old archival home movies. I want the best detail, I don't care about time. Any other suggestions?
ps Is there anyway to find out what pass it is on? It will say 2 hours left, count down , start the 2nd pass and say 2 hours. I would prefer it to say 4 hours and count down or at least list what pass it is on.
I ordered the CinemaCraft CCE Basic. It seems great. I had a initial problem with the extention naming, but that is fixed now. I export via movie from premeire 6.5. I use 2 pass vrb settings with sterio wave audio. I use the standard settings. What is the crc box? Should I click it? What about the quality settings box?
I am mainly encoding: music videos, weddings, football games, and some old archival home movies. I want the best detail, I don't care about time. Any other suggestions?
ps Is there anyway to find out what pass it is on? It will say 2 hours left, count down , start the 2nd pass and say 2 hours. I would prefer it to say 4 hours and count down or at least list what pass it is on.