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Help w/MJPEG capture (G400 + RRG on Win2k)

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  • Help w/MJPEG capture (G400 + RRG on Win2k)

    Okay... I've got to be doing something wrong here...

    I just got a G400 with the Rainbow Runner G-Series for my new 1.2Ghz Athlon. I'd like to capture some home video, do some editing, and then burn to VCD, but I can't get past the capture part.

    I'm using the latest Win3k G400 drivers (5.52) and the latest VideoTools 2.0 beta.

    I open PC-VCR, select SVHS for source, set the desired resolution, etc. (I've tried dozens of combinations, and none of them work). Start my camcorder up, hit the record button, and it appears to be doing something.

    When I stop, I've got an .avi in the capture directory. I play it, and get a blank screen (though the sound seems to have captured fine).

    I've also tried going through VirtualDub, but when I stop a capture there, it pops up a message saying that no frames were captured, and suggests that I turn off overlay, lower resolution, etc. (none of which work -- in fact turning off overlay often crashes the program).

    If I capture in RGB mode with some software codec, I get video and audio, but I can't do greater than 20fps at 320x240 without dropping frames.

    I was really looking forward to hardware-assisted capture (hardware MJPEG is one of the main reasons I picked this video combination). I'm very disappointed that it's not working, and after spending several hours with it (with numerous reboots because the capture driver crashes) I'm almost ready to send the card back and try the Radeo All-In-Wonder or something...

    Does anyone have any suggestions? Am I doing something wrong?


  • #2
    the fact it is crashing sounds like a driver issue; any chance you can boot it up (dual) in a win98se probably have a system speedy enough to capture in 640 by 480, but my instinct suggests it is a driver issue. I know it is a pain...but I really would try Win98se...I am capturing using G400 dh and an ATI TV wonder (Win98se and the thing works beautifully now that I have tweaked it).

    good luck

    ps...try some earlier win2k drivers..and a non-beta of vidtools

    [This message has been edited by dancray (edited 27 May 2001).]

