Well, how i already posted, i want report this:
After a lot of experiments i can say my Marvel g400 is workig great in win 2000 with drivers ver 5.20.016 and vtools 2.02.017 also and specially in Mjpeg. Capturing and rendering without problems. The only bad stuff is working with Adobe Premiere (i know it's not supported), but same happen in win 98. To work aroud this i tryied Morgan 2.05 codec, it works great in Premiere (speed and quality), but i have noticed some tremblings (i'm not sure it's right word) in videos produced by this codec.
So, i have to use Matrox codec (not workig well in Premiere)
This has convinced me to convert all partitions on my system to NTFS and say goodbye Win 9x.
Also YUY2 works great with Huffy in playback also, but max at 352x288.
Here is my config:
Windows 2000 + SP2 fresh install
Directx 8.0a
Drivers 5.20.016
Vtools 2.02.017
Marvel g400 Pal
Asus A7V133 (1004)
Ram 256 x2 MB
Athlon 1200
Sound Blaster PCI 128
[This message has been edited by sergiovalentino (edited 02 June 2001).]
After a lot of experiments i can say my Marvel g400 is workig great in win 2000 with drivers ver 5.20.016 and vtools 2.02.017 also and specially in Mjpeg. Capturing and rendering without problems. The only bad stuff is working with Adobe Premiere (i know it's not supported), but same happen in win 98. To work aroud this i tryied Morgan 2.05 codec, it works great in Premiere (speed and quality), but i have noticed some tremblings (i'm not sure it's right word) in videos produced by this codec.
So, i have to use Matrox codec (not workig well in Premiere)
This has convinced me to convert all partitions on my system to NTFS and say goodbye Win 9x.
Also YUY2 works great with Huffy in playback also, but max at 352x288.
Here is my config:
Windows 2000 + SP2 fresh install
Directx 8.0a
Drivers 5.20.016
Vtools 2.02.017
Marvel g400 Pal
Asus A7V133 (1004)
Ram 256 x2 MB
Athlon 1200
Sound Blaster PCI 128
[This message has been edited by sergiovalentino (edited 02 June 2001).]