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Haig, If you Read This, Your Comment Please

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  • Haig, If you Read This, Your Comment Please


    From reading the postings on Matrox's Win2K Video Tools problems, It's clear Matrox could suffer from many defections among the "prosumer" users of it's products. Since hardware MJPEG compression with the G200 / G400 under Win2K is not in the offering, why couldn't Matrox "unhide" the YUY2 capture option in Video Tools and allow for the selection of software capture codecs, eliminating the need for third party capture programs like Virtualdub or AVI-IO? Obviously this is an option only for those who have the processor power available, but those are the folks wanting to use Win2K anyway.

    If Matrox doesn't want to contribute the developement time, it could probably be outsourced to any of our many very sharp code jockeys in the forum.

    Forgive me if I over-simplify the matter. I'm interested in what everyone else thinks of this (admittedly old) proposal.


  • #2
    Haig already said that YUY2 is in the cards for a followup Win2K driver.

    The problem is with MJPeg, not other modes of operation. Thank Zoran and M$'s lousy VfW translation for that.

    Dr. Mordrid


    • #3
      here is a dollar.

      get it? I am passing the buck. And that is exactly what Matrox is doing. "We're sorry, our subsupplier for our doodadds isn't very good, so basically you are screwed with our products." if the subsupplier wasn't any good, then why go with them? Shave off a few cents on the cost to push profits? Yes it's more likely complicateder than that, but the point is the same. Companies can't keep on passing the buck -- we didn't buy a video card from ZORAN.. we bought it from Matrox. And if they were having problems, well it's their own dumb fault for going with a bad chipset in the first place.


      • #4
        Thanx doc.

        Actually I was referring to this from Haig's announcement:

        The capture portion for Windows2000 video tools will be the following:

        - Marvel G400 will have YUY2 and RGB capabilities.
        - RRG and Marvel G200 will have RGB capabilities.

        If I'm not mistaken, VT for Marvel G200 already supports RGB. No doubt this will be easier to impliment in Win2K than Matrox MJPEG support. Why not go ahead and offer full YUY2 support for RRG and Marvel G200 also? Or is Matrox quietly abandoning software support for these particular pieces of hardware?



        • #5
          Hi Kevin,

          as much as I would like to, I unfortunately cannot comment on any YUY2 decisions on the RRG and Marvel G200 cards.

          Or is Matrox quietly abandoning software support for these particular pieces of hardware?

          Mjpeg developement is stopped across all mjpeg cards, as stated in our announcement.

          There will still be a display driver update for 98 and ME to go with the current video tools which will address a few issues like the choppy dvd playback to PAL tv and via stabilities in general.



          • #6
            Thank you, sir.

            With the release of Powerdesk for Linux, can Video Tools for Linux be far behind?

            [This message has been edited by KRSESQ (edited 01 June 2001).]


            • #7
              YUY2 support is *not* in the cards for RR-G series cards. For a thread on this specific topic, please see



              • #8
                Hi Kevin,

                With the release of Powerdesk for Linux, can Video Tools for Linux be far behind?

                Thre won't be any video tools for LInux coming from us. There are allready a few sites that have working mjpeg drivers under red hat for the Marvel G and RRG series.



                • #9

                  What's the appropriate method to express extreme disatisfaction with Matrox? I tried joining your forums but I never recieved the registration email & password.

                  Anyhow, is there an email address or snail address that should be used for this purpose or should we just show up on your doorstep in Montreal? (I assume the last one's not appropriate ) I am one of your customer's who's now left with RGB only and wish to complain in the most productive manner possible.



                  • #10
                    Hi Todd,

                    What's the appropriate method to express extreme disatisfaction with Matrox?

                    You can send an email to to express your dis-satisfaction.

                    I tried joining your forums but I never recieved the registration email & password.

                    I know, a few clients have reported the same and MIS tells me it will be fixed on Monday.


                    [This message has been edited by Haig (edited 03 June 2001).]


                    • #11
                      Thanks Haig.


                      • #12

                        yes, I complained to
                        Nothing happened.

                        I bought a MarvelG200 1 1/2 year ago.

                        Yes, I need MJPEG, it generates smaller files
                        and the HardwareCodec works fine with Premiere.
                        Don't blame Microsoft or Zoran for
                        the unability of your staff to write drivers.
                        What Matrox did was to sell tires for a special car promising to inflate them as soon as possible. But they couldn't find the pump.
                        Now, when it was impossible to hide this fact any longer, they blame the customers of having bougt the wrong tire or even the wrong car.
                        Schould I repeat the advertisments ?
                        What Matrox has to do to overcome this shame is to make a special offer to their faked customers of Marvels and RR's, entiteling them to change their product into another MatroxCard.
                        So did Intel with their Pentiums.
                        So did Diamond with their Cards.
                        So did ATI ( AFAIK ).
                        Matrox won't sell any card for office-solutions if the informations about their costomer-relations go around.
                        And they will.
                        Sorry for my humble english, but I'm too embarassed to ask a dictionary.


                        • #13

                          I question whether e-mailing customer service has any effect. I have never received even an acknowledgement, let alone an answer from any message I sent. As far as I'm concerned, it seems to be one very large trash can that is not looked at.

                          I'm afraid that Matrox have lost my custom when my Marvel G-200 becomes no longer usable for whatever reason, because of their short-sighted policy and execrable customer support. I've told them this, of course, in a message to their trash can.

                          Brian (the terrible)
                          Brian (the devil incarnate)


                          • #14
                            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Brian Ellis:

                            I question whether e-mailing customer service has any effect. I have never received even an acknowledgement, let alone an answer from any message I sent. As far as I'm concerned, it seems to be one very large trash can that is not looked at.

                            I'm afraid that Matrox have lost my custom when my Marvel G-200 becomes no longer usable for whatever reason, because of their short-sighted policy and execrable customer support. I've told them this, of course, in a message to their trash can.

                            As far as I'm concerned it's plain bloody rude not to answer a legitimate complaint.

                            Perhaps you should change "execrable customer support" to "excremental customer support"?



                            • #15
                              Hi Brian,

                              eventually, all complaints into CS will be answered. If it was just a matter of a few thousand emails that they received, then you'd get a reply within a day. However, that isn't the case.


