Posts on the the Pinnacle forum point to work being done at on a GNU licensed DirectShow Zoran ZR36060/ZR36050 NT/2000 driver.
So far they are at pre-alpha ( on a European DC-10 driver only with plans for Buz support later.
This is necessitated by problems with the Pinnacle Win2K drivers akin to those with Matrox cards. Their Win2K drivers appear to be VfW and are having overlay & playback issues. Sound familiar?
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 27 June 2001).]
So far they are at pre-alpha ( on a European DC-10 driver only with plans for Buz support later.
This is necessitated by problems with the Pinnacle Win2K drivers akin to those with Matrox cards. Their Win2K drivers appear to be VfW and are having overlay & playback issues. Sound familiar?
Dr. Mordrid
[This message has been edited by Dr Mordrid (edited 27 June 2001).]