Ulead's web site gives the following advice for playing and editing AVI files greater than 1 GB (up to 2 GB) in MSP 5.2 VE's Scratch Pad:
If I open a clip over 1GB in the Scratch Pad, I get an error message reporting a corrupted file on reading past the 1GB mark. Is this a fault in the ULEAD software?
Please download the latest Media Player(version 5.2 or newer) from Microsoft web site to update the program in your system. MediaStudio Pro calls Media Player to play scratch pad and created video, and the previous versions support playing back AVI files less than 1GB."
I've upgraded Media Player multiple times and STILL can't get files greater than 1 GB to work in Scratch Pad. Is Ulead blowing smoke or has anyone actually been able to do this successfully? Are there other settings that must be changed in addition to simply installing Media Player?
Thank you,
If I open a clip over 1GB in the Scratch Pad, I get an error message reporting a corrupted file on reading past the 1GB mark. Is this a fault in the ULEAD software?
Please download the latest Media Player(version 5.2 or newer) from Microsoft web site to update the program in your system. MediaStudio Pro calls Media Player to play scratch pad and created video, and the previous versions support playing back AVI files less than 1GB."
I've upgraded Media Player multiple times and STILL can't get files greater than 1 GB to work in Scratch Pad. Is Ulead blowing smoke or has anyone actually been able to do this successfully? Are there other settings that must be changed in addition to simply installing Media Player?
Thank you,