i have a g400 32mb single head and i am too having trouble with bus mastering. when busmastering is enabled, windows exploerer will crash every twenty minutes or so and will not shut down properly (it will start the shutdown sequence and then freeze at a black screen) when busmastering is disabled, there is no problem. i have no problems when the drivers are uninstalled or when i use my mystique. i have all the lastest drivers for all my peripherals and also the latest bios versions. even matrox technical support has not been able to figure out the problem.
my system:
amd k62-300
jbond m/b (via chipset)
seagate medalist hd
quantum bigfoot hd
sblive! value
matrox millenium g400 32mb single head
my system:
amd k62-300
jbond m/b (via chipset)
seagate medalist hd
quantum bigfoot hd
sblive! value
matrox millenium g400 32mb single head