Last night the sky was fairly clear, the moon low and large just above the roof tops across my street so I thought I'd have a go a taking a pic using my binoculars.
I put my Kodak CX7540 on a small tripod on the window sill and held the 10x50 binoculars (focussed on infinity) leaning against two edges of the open window frame - far from ideal I know but I had no other way of supporting them.
With the camera on wide-angle and fully auto I got shot 1 below. Maximum zoom got shot 2.
I then swiched to centre-exposure and centre-focus, which produced shot 3 and I couldn't get it any better.
So, how do I improve this? I think it is an auto-focus problem but I wasn't able to capture focus and then put the bino's back as it is difficult to find the moon with that magnification.
I guess I could fix the bino's, and move the camera/tripod and use the timer? Or am I just aiming too high here (pardon the pun).
BTW, originals are ~4MP, shots below are small jpgs but I think show all the problems well.
I put my Kodak CX7540 on a small tripod on the window sill and held the 10x50 binoculars (focussed on infinity) leaning against two edges of the open window frame - far from ideal I know but I had no other way of supporting them.
With the camera on wide-angle and fully auto I got shot 1 below. Maximum zoom got shot 2.
I then swiched to centre-exposure and centre-focus, which produced shot 3 and I couldn't get it any better.
So, how do I improve this? I think it is an auto-focus problem but I wasn't able to capture focus and then put the bino's back as it is difficult to find the moon with that magnification.
I guess I could fix the bino's, and move the camera/tripod and use the timer? Or am I just aiming too high here (pardon the pun).
BTW, originals are ~4MP, shots below are small jpgs but I think show all the problems well.