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Eos 350D Images

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  • #16
    Here are two more pics. The weather was not perfect, guess the lake picture would have been quite a bit nicer with real sunshine


    • #17
      oh and guys, remember we do have a photo gallery now
      limit may need to be adjsuted, keep me informed.
      Juu nin to iro

      English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


      • #18
        Oh nice Topha!
        I am thinking about getting a 350D as well! Been reading the review on
        How much did you pay for it and did you get the kit lense or buy any other special lenses?

        What are the things you like about the camera what are the things you don't like about this camera?

        I am thinking of purchasing it at the end of the year when I am heading over to Singapore.

        (sorry for hijacking )


        • #19
          I paid $894 shipped to my door(from Amaon because they don't charge tax). I bought it with the kit lens but I am an extreme amateur so I want to learn a lot more before dropping more bucks on expensive lenses.

          As far as not liking things. It's hard to say so far since I have only had it for a few days now. I think the biggest issue has been the huge difference between dslr and consumer cameras. Things I didn't know before buying the camera were:

          1. You literally can't change anything in fully auto mode. I am used to being able to change to B&W and a few other settings.
          2. There is no thumb button for zooming. It is all manual. I did find out about this before purchasing the camera, but I was suprised. Of course, it makes perfect sense as to why this is and it definitely makes taking pictures much easier.
          3. You can't view the image on the LCD before taking the picture. I also found out about this before buying the camera. I am slowly getting used to the view finder but it would be nice if we had the option to view the picture on the LCD screen in some kind of casual mode
          4. No moview mode. I know, I know, it's a professional camera, but I liek to capture the ocassional movie.

          Huge +'s though:

          1. Super fast turn on time(0.2 sec)
          2. Taking 3 pcitures a second(without flash)
          3. Very fast focus speed(and this is on there crappy kit lens)
          4. Beautiful pictures
          Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


          • #20
            thats awesome thanks!
            could you do me one favour thou?
            Could you take a macro shot with the standart kit lense?
            A flower, coin or something with detail would be aweseomly appreciated!


            • #21
              Got it for €840 with Kit Lens, a bag and 512MB

              GuchiGuh, my second post in this thread is a picture of a little samurai figure, about 1inch heiht, taken with automatic settings and kit lens


              • #22
                Here is another one, cropped it because most of the picture was the hand the bug was on. This is the original resolution, though

                This and the samurai were early pics, taken with automatic settings
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  Hope you don't mind me posting in your thread

                  Here are some macro shots:


                  And some more:

                  Last edited by Helevitia; 19 August 2005, 13:58.
                  Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Helevitia
                    Hope you don't mind me posting in your thread

                    Here are some macro shots:

                    And some more:

                    I think you need to dust yout trolls, before doing macro shots
                    We have enough youth - What we need is a fountain of smart!

                    i7-920, 6GB DDR3-1600, HD4870X2, Dell 27" LCD


                    • #25
                      I thought it added more depth to the shot

                      It's my only troll. It sits on the window sill in our kitchen
                      Ladies and gentlemen, take my advice, pull down your pants and slide on the ice.


                      • #26
                        Took this yesterday, notice the moon above the building


                        • #27
                          say is that the kit lense?
                          thanks guys

                          but could you do us a favour? (again)

                          Could take a picture with no zoom and then a picture with max zoom of the same scenery (ie not move camera) ?

                          also: the zoom is it manual or can it be motorised/manual?

                          thanks again fellas and yes sorry for more hijacking

