OVER 4 MONTHS OLD THREAD: check out the latest developments from latest post..
I am looking for good entry level Slide / Negative scanner for transferring older stuff to digital format. This CoolScan looks pretty tempting, but I haven't been able to find out if it's software has batch scanning features for slides... anyone having experience from Nikon Film Scanners?
(I do know that SF-200 casette batcher does not fit in this model, (or does it? still it's rather expensive accessory...) but I am looking for scanning mode, where I could easily scan several slides with just switching manually each slide for the scanner. there's aproximately 7000 slides waiting in my relatives archives, which around 50 to 60% should be transferred to digital time...
so, batch mode is rather important option.)
I am looking for good entry level Slide / Negative scanner for transferring older stuff to digital format. This CoolScan looks pretty tempting, but I haven't been able to find out if it's software has batch scanning features for slides... anyone having experience from Nikon Film Scanners?
(I do know that SF-200 casette batcher does not fit in this model, (or does it? still it's rather expensive accessory...) but I am looking for scanning mode, where I could easily scan several slides with just switching manually each slide for the scanner. there's aproximately 7000 slides waiting in my relatives archives, which around 50 to 60% should be transferred to digital time...
